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Everything posted by cadogan30

  1. i just have one more questions.i have seen people making there own addon/update packs for nlite.is there a good tutorial on how too make your own?thanks
  2. i was wondering what directory the hotfixes are located in the .iso after it is made with nlite?also,is there a way too run a program after the xp install is done automatically?thanks
  3. yeah that seemed to fix it.i was just wondering if there was a reason for the random asking of user passwords at startup?it happens once in a while,just trying too figure out why.i appreciate the help.
  4. i decided too make a new xp sp3 cd using nlite.everything works fine,except the accounts.the only real problem i get is when i reboot.it never goes too the login screen.i have the administrator account which should always be there then another account for regular use.everytime it boots it goes straight too administrator.i have too manually logoff too get too the other account.another problem is it randomally asking me for a password too login.also i cant delete the new account or change the account settings from admin too limited. for the unattended settings i have it setup as: options: active checked password expiration un checked autologin none login count 0 must have password checked no password typed in box any help would be great.
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