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Everything posted by kagura

  1. Hello, I have a NAT/router firewall configured, and I really don't need any heavy and complex firewall, I just want something beyond windows default firewall that policy the internet inbound/outbound in my PC. is Zonealarm free a good choise? Thank you any Help
  2. kagura

    Login screen

    understand, I fell more safe now, thanks. I have disable the admin account, my account is the only enabled with admin rights.
  3. kagura

    Login screen

    Let's say If I leave my PC and its configured to only back from lock after I entered my login password (On resume, password protect in screensave options), If I not enter my login/admin password I will be stuck in the login screen, is there any way to recover control of my PC without logging with my password? any "secret" key combination in windows XP ? I just need to know, because I leave my computer on with only the password to protect it from intruders... Thank you very much any help with my question.
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