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Everything posted by Alintoro

  1. The problem solved. Just the explanation for the others: First of all i checked for the new version of those addons, I downloaded the ones i was suspicious about, but didn't integrate them. In the first step i used these addons, 7zip, Flash & Shockwave AIO and Dotnet Framework 1-2-3-3.5 with service packs without any problem. In the second step i added KIS 2010, IE8 and VMware Workstation Lite, again without any problem. In the last step i added the new versions of K-lite and Power ISO without Unlocker, with no error. For me that was enough and was not necessary to go further, so the problem could be from Unlocker or old version of K-lite or Power ISO.
  2. I checked them, Unluckily there is no explanation about the drivers in those addons. OK, if i'll be lucky, atleast 3 times integration and if i wont.... It seems there is no way, i have to try in the next days.
  3. Unfortunately there is no error when i use virtual machine (VMware), i get the message when i install the windows in PC. Ok, i had enough time to integrate and install the new one. Source: Win xp sp2 SP3 + all of the updates till now WMP11 + all updates Sata drivers UXTheme patch enabled and no change in SFC (default) Some tweaks with adding themes. The result was "error free" with no more WFP message. It seems there is a problem with addons. What is your guess!? Due to my work and..., i have no chance to test all of the addons one by one, which addon do you think causing the trouble!?
  4. Thanks for your care John. I'm not a professional but indeed a fan of nlite and slipstreaming, i use to integrate my win xp each 4~5 months with all of the updates and some addons. With my past experience, i never disabled SFC option and as i know the themes and styles are unsigned, i always use to enable "Uxtheme Patch" option in nlite and never get such an error before. This is the first time i've experienced this message. Is it a must have option (disabling SFC) when i enable "Uxtheme patch"!? if the answer is yes, why i get this error for the first time in these years? No, i used once. don't know, because i have not any option to know which file is missing or replaced. when i click on "more information" there is another window repeating the same message "insert your win xp..." Is there any way to underestand which file or files are missing? when i insert xpcd and click on retry, there is another error with the same message after about one min and after retrying again, there is no message and error. About the text mode drivers, i've read it in a site i don't remember about 2 years ago, after that i use to select all of the drivers. i'll give it a try. Always. in the last integration i saw an old update in my automatic updates window that was not seen before "KB898461", don't you guess there is a conflict with this update!? Thanks again for your care.
  5. Thank you John, Here is the Last Session.ini Last_Session.ini
  6. Thanks for quick reply. My question is why i recieved this massage, i often use to nlite my XP but never get this massage before. I never use to disable SFC before, so, more than the solution i want to know what is wrong with the integration.
  7. Hi, After installing my slipstreamed Win XP SP3 when i install the M/B Drivers i have a message: I used to slipstream SP3 + all of the updates, Sata drivers and the following addons with nLite. Addons: KIS 10 7zip IE8 VMware Workstation Lite Adobe Flash and Shockwave Player AIO Dotnet Framework 1-2-3-3.5 with service packs K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.3 Power Iso Unlocker 1.8.8 This error Become just after installation and when i want to install M/B Drivers. What do you think? and where is the problem!?
  8. Excuseme for being late, i didn't have enough time to test your advice. I tested it just now, it works properly. Thanks g-force, the problem solved.
  9. Thanks for your reply. The second one is the same as mine, but i'll test it with your advice to changing the first one to "yes"...
  10. Thanks for the reply. WINNT.SIF
  11. Any Suggestion!?
  12. Any suggestion!?
  13. Same problem here! I did all of the tips and advices but the result is "nothing copies from "$OEM$" I'm using nLite and i set the OEM Preinstall to Enabled, checked the Winnt.sif the OemPreinstall set as Yes. I made the $OEM$ folder at the root of the CD including $$ and... $OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper $OEM$\$$\system32 $OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes I did nuhi's advice: "After nlite is finished make folder on the ISO root directory before making ISO" Nothing copies Am i missing something!? any advices will be helpfull.
  14. Same problem here! I did all of the tips and advices but the result is "nothing copies from "$OEM$" I'm using nLite and i set the OEM Preinstall to Enabled, checked the Winnt.sif the OemPreinstall set as Yes. I made the $OEM$ folder at the root of the CD including $$ and... $OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper $OEM$\$$\system32 $OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes I did nuhi's advice: "After nlite is finished make folder on the ISO root directory before making ISO" Nothing copies Am i missing something!? any advices will be helpfull.
  15. Excuseme for posting in a semi old topic. i've serched many times and didn't find a clear answer! Is there any way to change this blue screen to another color!?
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