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Posts posted by alexx86
My data is back, and all because of Aviko's help and patience. I really hope that the fully founder of this method for unbricking drives also get all the creds. Aviko definately knows what he is doing and I cant tell how grateful I am.
Now spread this information of unbricking the disks so data wont be put in other hands.
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Hi again,
Now i've tried the loopback test so my setup is correct.
I dont get any response from the terminal, I dont get "F3 T>", but i can type..
I placed a paper card between the motor connector and the harddiskmainboard like in post #1, attached the tx and rx cables, opened hyperterminal, and then powered on the drive, and then pushed CTRL+Z... But i don't get anything?
Anyone that can help me? Over msn maybe?
I have a 3500320AS with SD15 firmwire. And i bought i RS232-TTL usb-converter.
Turn off all, remove the PCB from HDA, power on, then try CTRL+Z.
I've unscrewed all the torx and took aside the PCB and attached the tx,rx and then power, then pushed CTRL and Z..Still the same, i only get an arrow, I can type. What to do next?
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Hi again,
Now i've tried the loopback test so my setup is correct.
I dont get any response from the terminal, I dont get "F3 T>", but i can type..
I placed a paper card between the motor connector and the harddiskmainboard like in post #1, attached the tx and rx cables, opened hyperterminal, and then powered on the drive, and then pushed CTRL+Z... But i don't get anything?
Anyone that can help me? Over msn maybe?
I have a 3500320AS with SD15 firmwire. And i bought i RS232-TTL usb-converter.
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Hi again,
I've just bought a ttl converter like this -> http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataShee...232R3V3_v09.pdf
But when i tried yesterday it didn't work. I dont get any terminal answer. I'm wondering if i need to connect the power to the pinouts also??
If someone knows how to do, please help me..
I've connected the TX to the orange and RX to the yellow cable, do i need to do anything more?
first of all, check terminal with shorting tx and rx together you should see what you type. i posted this information few times. and not only me.
tell model f/w and p/nof your disk.
do you have any older series of seagate disks? pcb from it is enough, if yes, connect it as in photo few pages ago and set terminal to 9600, then you will be 100% sure that everything is in place and working
I have fw SD1A and the model is 3500320AS. Okey I will try shortcircuit RX and TX, why 9600, in the main post it says 38400?
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Hi again,
I've just bought a ttl converter like this -> http://www.ftdichip.com/Documents/DataShee...232R3V3_v09.pdf
But when i tried yesterday it didn't work. I dont get any terminal answer. I'm wondering if i need to connect the power to the pinouts also??
If someone knows how to do, please help me..
I've connected the TX to the orange and RX to the yellow cable, do i need to do anything more?
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Alex, are you sure the DCU-65 cable has a built-in Serial to TTL converter?
Looking at the pictures I'm pretty sure DCU-65 is too short to have a transceiver inside...
The cables that have been reported to work so far (DKU-5, CA-42, CA-45) have the USB side almost twice larger than the ones that don't.
Greetings, ToKu.
Yes I understand, will buy another tomorrow then hopefully i will get my data back!
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Alex, are you sure the DCU-65 cable has a built-in Serial to TTL converter?Hi I don't get an answer from my terminal, i use a DCU-65 cable from my old cellphone, green conected to TX and white to RX.
I first disconnect the pcb then attach the usb, open terminal, then i plugin the power.
But i don't get any answer, but the computer seems to find something because it freezes after each try..
Any suggestions?
No I'm not sure, I just had one left and thought I could give it a try. If there is anybody out here knowing anything about unbricking with DCU-60 or 65 (SonyE computercables) please let me know, otherwise I will buy a real converter.
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Hi I don't get an answer from my terminal, i use a DCU-65 cable from my old cellphone, green conected to TX and white to RX.
I first disconnect the pcb then attach the usb, open terminal, then i plugin the power.
But i don't get any answer, but the computer seems to find something because it freezes after each try..
Any suggestions?
The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs
in Hard Drive and Removable Media
This cable wont work, buy onother one that you know work. Everything you need is listed in this topic.
Go for it