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Everything posted by atwood

  1. I'm not at the machine at the moment - I probably should have wrote this when I was (I'm at work) That registry key you mentioned - isn't that were the upper and lower filters are located ? I did notice that the upper filer value was missing the first time I looked. I'm not exactly sure what it does, but I fugured it can't be a good thing.
  2. Hello I am experiencing a problem with my LG drive 4163B (I believe) and window XP SP3. I just recently lost my 500GB seagate drive becuase it had the SD15 firmware issue and bought a new WD 640GB drive to replace it. I used the only DVD drive in my computer to reinstall XP from the upgrade CD - which went fine Installed all the SP's and updates, office and Nero and it had been working fine for 2 days. Last night asI was going thru some of my DVD's it simply stopped working. The drive did not report any errors and in device manager all seems fine - no yellow exclamation marks or code 31 etc. If I pop a DVD in nothing seems to happen - the drive does not spin up to show me the contents of the DVD or CD (it does the same for both - burned or blank) - I just get a blank window wtih nothing in it. It does'nt work in safe mode either. I know the drive works though becuase I can put the windows CD in, or any other bootable CD/DVD and reboot the machine and it will boot from the disc. Clearly it would'nt do that if the drive was'nt functional. I reoved the lower filters (ther was no upper filters) removed the DVD from device manager and let the system redetect it, but there was no change. Could Nero be the cause ? I'm not sure what else to do other then doing a complete reinstall of XP - I don't like doing repair installs. XP installed the drivers for the device (there are none on the LG site for it) and the firmware it is up to date Does anyone have any ideas ? Could there be something I've overlooked ? Thanks in advance to all replies Atwood
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