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Everything posted by ecsec

  1. I understand my last post was not clear, sorry for that I'll try now to be clearer I downloaded the SP3, 316 MB named WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU Itarting Nlite, when specifying to add the SP, from an SP1 Italiano WIN XP PRO copied from the CD to a directory, going inside the window SELECT an executable .exe SP is NLITE itself that says to me after the EXCTRACTING FILES phase Integrated install failed. The language type or platform for the destination directory and Service Pack 3 must be the same So this was the reason I tried to uninstall all my previous version on my computer starting from the beginning to solve this language version problem Of course no previous saved Nlite attempt has been imported Thanks
  2. Thanks Ponch Actually the problem has been forcasted in your phrase "Don't forget to select the proper language at download" After your advice I did the following 1) on MS site I downloaded the complete SP3 choosing, at first, the ITALIAN version During the nliteing process an error was detected due to incompatibility in the language 2) Fine, so I downloaded the english version, but the same error was detected 3) Good, so as the original CD was an Italian one, I supposed the automatic updated version of SP2 or SP3 that I installed first (according to my previous post) were from an other unknown language (indeed I supposed the automatic download would have detected the language version before making the download itself, so downloadind the appropriate modules depending on the language, ..... anyway...) Thus I uninstalled from the APPLICATION INSTALLATION in the CONTROL PANEL, the SP3 than trying to uninstall the SP2 and starting back with the italian SP3 version from the SP1 that is in Italian (or should be, according to the CD labelling) 4) The SP3 was uninstalled but then there was no possibility (in the uninstalling window as appeared before) to uninstall the SP2. The system indeed is recognised as a WINDOWS XP SP2 version What do you think about this jam ? Ciao !
  3. Starting out ! The first nlite window asks for the language choice The following window asks to specify the location of the complete windows package. Here I specify the directory where I copied an original SP1 CD Then there is the PRESETS windows to choice for a previous installation to be imported. I have nothing to select at this step The following windows asks to select the tasks to be performed, my choice is to INTEGRATE SERVICE PACK Then my following window, specifies to me that I am starting with a SP1 version and asks me to select the location of the service pack, I click now the SELECT key The following window has on the top banner the following specification SELECT A SERVICE PACK EXECUTABLE (.EXE) OR "i386\update\update.exe" So this is my problem. (a 1st silly question!) I downloaded and installed directly from Microsoft Update the SP2 and then the SP3, after installing the SP1 on my disk. But I don't know WHERE ARE placed MY SERVICE PACKS (or better only the SP3, the more recent one) If I look inside my WINDOWS directory, I have a directory called SERVICEPACKFILES and inside I have the i386 directory but inside it there is no UPDATE directory (as suggested, there is only a LANG directory) nor an UPDATE.EXE (again as suggested by the nlite window) Thus I don't know what I have to specify as SP location to continue my activity to prepare a bootable disk Thanks a lot for your help and best regards
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