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Posts posted by artbio

  1. Hi CEoCEo. I tried your script many times. It works well, but doesn't delete NMIndexingService.exe and

    NMIndexStoreSvr.exe files. After I changed Delete Media Indexing Services section to look like this:

    ; Delete Media Indexing Services
    If $MIS = 0 Then
    RegDelete("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "BgMonitor_{79662E04-7C6C-4d9f-84C7-88D8A56B10AA}")
    RunWait(@COMSPEC & " /c taskkill /f /im NMBgMonitor.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)
    RunWait(@COMSPEC & " /c taskkill /f /im NMIndexingService.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)
    RunWait(@COMSPEC & " /c taskkill /f /im NMIndexStoreSvr.exe", "", @SW_HIDE)
    FileDelete(@CommonFilesDir & "\Nero\Lib\NMBgMonitor.exe")
    FileDelete(@CommonFilesDir & "\Nero\Lib\NMIndexingService.exe")
    FileDelete(@CommonFilesDir & "\Nero\Lib\NMIndexStoreSvr.exe")

    all those files was deleted. Can you update your script with the above code? The only problem is that

    taskkill command doesn't work in XP Home Edition.



  2. Hi artbio!

    You get this error because you have a pending file operation that needs to be taken care of before Nero continues the installation process. Nero8 is pretty strict when it comes to the installation part. :}

    Try to place this Nero installer as your first priority in your setup environment to see if you can overcome this error message. It's not recommended to delete the registry entries as givanoff posted. Windows needs to restart to be able to update currently used files.

    I will look into your suggestions and release a new version when ready. ;)

    Actually I tried that. It didn´t work. I changed the parameter /qb- to /qn. It might be that. When I use /qn your script can't see the reboot prompt, that's my theory.

    Or your script can't handle the reboot prompt on the latest version of Nero. I took a look on your script. On the Prompt() function:

    ; Handle reboot prompt
    Func Prompt()
    If WinExists("Nero") Then
    $CL = WinGetClassList("Nero")
    $SL = StringLen($CL)
    If $SL = 21 Then

    I checked and $SL is equal to 28.

    However it installs fine on vmware. The difference is that on my machine, drivers specific to it are installed.

    I included an option to force the install of Nero, on your script. It's based on givanoff's information. Tested an working. Actually there isn't a problem with that, since the registry is backed up and restored on AutoIt exit.

    And added some other options. I will send you the script so you can look at it and keep the options you want, if you are willing to.


  3. Some suggestions for CEoCEo's Nero AutoIt script. Based on version 2.2

    To hide the extracting window, add this to the top of your script:

    ; Options
    AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
    AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay", 1)

    And this right after line 149, before the Else statement:

    WinWait("Extracting", "")
    WinSetState("Extracting", "", @SW_HIDE)

    But this might not work for non english distributions.

    Add an option to unregister Nero DirectShow Filters. Something like this:

    $UND = 1; UnRegister Nero DirectShow Filters

    ; UnRegister Nero DirectShow Filters
    If $UND = 1 Then
    $search = FileFindFirstFile(@CommonFilesDir & "\Nero\DSFilter\*.ax")
    While 1
    $file = FileFindNextFile($search)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    RunWait("regsvr32 /u /s " & $file, @CommonFilesDir & "\Nero\DSFilter", @SW_HIDE)
    FileClose ( $search )

  4. The script posted by radix worked, but wasn't enough for me. The registration doesn't work if you install on another machine. In some situations the browser still pops up. So I took that script, edited it and this came up:


    ; Options
    AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
    AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
    AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay", 1)

    $g_szVersion = "cFosSpeed AutoIt v3 Script 1.0"
    If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; It's already running

    ; Executable file name
    $EXECUTABLE = "cfosspeed-v420.exe"

    ; Set system restore point
    $RestorePoint = "0"

    ; Optimize TCP receiver window size
    $Optimize = "1"

    ; Registration
    ; If you want to try cfosspeed for 30 days, let $Registration = "0". Else set $Registration = "1".
    $Registration = "1"
    $KeyFileName = "key.cfosspeed"
    $Password = "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"; Replace with you own password

    ; Run cfosspeed on Windows startup
    $Autostart = "1"

    $dirold = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\cFosSpeed", "InstallLocation")
    If FileExists($dirold & "\cfosspeed.exe") Then
    MsgBox(0x40010, @ScriptName, "Please uninstall previous version of cfosspeed before using this script", 4)

    ; Read from registry if System Restore is turn on or off
    $DisableSR = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore", "DisableSR")

    ; Run the installer
    Run(@ScriptDir & "\" & $EXECUTABLE)

    ; Welcome to cFosSpeed v4.20!
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Welcome to cFosSpeed v4.20!")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Welcome to cFosSpeed v4.20!", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlCommand("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Welcome to cFosSpeed v4.20!", "ComboBox1", "SelectString", "English")
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "English")
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button2")

    ; cFosSpeed 4.20.1389 Nutzungslizenz und Gewährleistung
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "cFosSpeed 4.20.1389 Nutzungslizenz und Gewährleistung")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "cFosSpeed 4.20.1389 Nutzungslizenz und Gewährleistung", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlCommand("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button1", "Check", "")
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button3")

    ; Start checking for two windows with "Set system restore point." and "You are online with the following connection:" text inside

    ; Specify an installation directory.
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Specify an installation directory.")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Specify an installation directory.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    Switch $DisableSR
    Case 0
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button5")
    Case 1
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button4")

    ; Optimize TCP receiver window size. (Recommended)
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Optimize TCP receiver window size. (Recommended)")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Optimize TCP receiver window size. (Recommended)", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    If $Optimize = "0" Then
    ControlCommand("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button1", "UnCheck", "")
    Switch $DisableSR
    Case 0
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button7")
    Case 1
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button6")

    ; Installation successful.
    WinWait("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Installation successful.")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Installation successful.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    Switch $DisableSR
    Case 0
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button8")
    Case 1
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button7")

    ; Stop checking for two windows with "Set system restore point." and "You are online with the following connection:" text inside

    $dir = RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\cFosSpeed", "InstallLocation")

    ; Prevent browser from poping up
    IniWrite($dir & "\cfosspeed.ini", "All", "ts_advice", 1)

    ; Registration
    If $Registration = "1" Then

    Run($dir & "\setup.exe -brandkey " & @ScriptDir & "\" & $KeyFileName)

    WinWait("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "cFosSpeed Registration.")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "cFosSpeed Registration.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlCommand("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "cFosSpeed Registration.", "ComboBox1", "SelectString", "English")
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "&Next >", "Button2")

    WinWait("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "If you accept the license agreement, check the 'I agree' field and click Next, otherwise, click Cancel.")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "If you accept the license agreement, check the 'I agree' field and click Next, otherwise, click Cancel.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlCommand ("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "I agree.", "Button1", "Check", "")
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "&Next >", "Button3")

    WinWait("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "cFosSpeed will be registered to:")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "cFosSpeed will be registered to:", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlSend("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "Password:", "Edit1", $Password)
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "&Next >", "Button3")

    WinWait("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "Registration complete.")
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "Registration complete.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Registration Wizard", "Finish", "Button4")


    ; Block cfosspeed to run on Windows startup
    If $Autostart = "0" Then
    RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "cFosSpeed")

    ; Delete shortcut "cFosSpeed Features" from Desktop folder
    FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "\cFosSpeed Features.lnk")


    Func _Adlib()
    ; Set system restore point.
    If WinExists("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Set system restore point.") Then
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "Set system restore point.", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    If $RestorePoint = "0" Then
    ControlCommand("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button1", "UnCheck", "")
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button4")
    ; You are online with the following connection:
    If WinExists("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "You are online with the following connection:") Then
    WinSetState("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "You are online with the following connection:", @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE)
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button1")
    Switch $DisableSR
    Case 0
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button6")
    Case 1
    ControlClick("cFosSpeed Installation Wizard", "", "Button5")

  5. 128 MB RAM?

    I would invest in some memory if u can...

    the price of memory is cheap now days...

    I have 1GB of RAM and suffer from the same problem since at least the last 6 or 8 months!

    Try installing the User Profile Hive Cleanup Service from Microsoft -> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en

    The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when using Roaming User Profiles in a server environment or when using locked profiles as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.

    On Windows 2000 you can benefit from this service if the application event log shows event id 1000 where the message text indicates that the profile is not unloading and that the error is "Access is denied". On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 either event ids 1517 and 1524 indicate the same profile unload problem.

    To accomplish this the service monitors for logged off users that still have registry hives loaded. When that happens the service determines which application have handles opened to the hives and releases them. It logs the application name and what registry keys were left open. After this the system finishes unloading the profile.


  6. I guess you'll have to do it the old fashion way... as described HERE

    you'll see, it is quite simple... check the switch availble for the hotfixes, add the command to svcpack.inf and add a line to dosnet.inf (only once).

    I have also tested that with SP2 and it didn´t work!

    You can integrate the hotfixes manually. That is doing the same thing the command "/integrate:" does, but by yourself, wich is hard work, and dificult to keep up as new hotfixes are released!

    I use this code at cmdlines.txt stage:

    for %%i in (%systemdrive%\Install\01\Hotfixes\Hotfixes1\*.exe) do start /wait %%i /z /n /o /q
    for %%i in (%systemdrive%\Install\01\Hotfixes\Hotfixes2\*.exe) do start /wait %%i /Q:A /R:N
    for %%i in (%systemdrive%\Install\01\Hotfixes\Switchless\*.exe) do start /wait %%i

    This way, as new hotfixes are released you just put them on the right folder, without the need to edit any files.

  7. Hi,

    I've been reading up the forum for proper how-to install sp2 hotfixes. I found out I can integrate using the /integrate switch, but I've come up with a problem.

    I have a sliptstreamed winxp+sp2 folder, located under C:\WinXP\XPCD. I tried to

    C:\WinXP\XPCD\WindowsXP-KB885626-v2-x86-ptg.exe /integrate:C\WinXP\XPCD

    It starts the extraction, but after some seconds it says "There has been a problem tryint to integrate this hotfix. verify that the arquitecture, idiom and service pack level of this hotfix is valid for this folder"

    (Sorry for the bad translation, it's no english XP).

    I get that error even thought I'm 100% this xpcd is portuguese, and also sure that the hotfix is portuguese (-ptg).

    How can this be solved?

    And btw: I got a strange number of folders after trying the integrate switch, even thought it doesn't work...


    COMPDATA (656 files)



    svcpack (empty)


    Any idea? Thanks!

    I am also Portuguese!

    My Windows Xp is Portuguese too.

    I tried the same command line as you did (wich i think is correct) and the same error came to me.

    I noticed that the portuguese hotfixes have some Brazilian Portuguese inf files. So that may be the problem. Doesn´t Microsoft test this things?

    Finally i gave this up and now i install the hotfixes the usual way.

  8. Updated script.

    Now, as silent as i could get it!

    If anyone knows a way of make it completely silent, let me know please.


    ; AutoIt Version: 3.0
    ; Language:       English
    ; Platform:       WinXP
    ; Author:         engine
    ; Script Function:
    ;   Install gVim 6.3

    $g_szVersion = "gVim AutoIt v3 Script 2.0"
    If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; It's already running

    ; Run the installer

    ; Options
    AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
    AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)
    AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay", 100)

    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup", "", "Button1")

    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup: License Agreement")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: License Agreement", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup: License Agreement", "", "Button2")

    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
    ControlCommand( "Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options", "", "ComboBox1", "SelectString", "Full")
    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options", "Full")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options", "Full", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options", "", "Button2")

    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Folder")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Folder", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Folder", "", "Button2")

    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installing", "", @SW_HIDE)

    While ProcessExists("install.exe")


    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup: Completed")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Completed", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup: Completed", "", "Button2")

    WinWait("Vim 6.3 Setup")
    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup", "", @SW_HIDE)
    ControlClick("Vim 6.3 Setup", "", "Button2")


    If anyone wonders, engine is a login i use in most online forums.

    By the way, how can i change my login name in this forum from artbio to engine?


  9. Made a scipt for GVim 6.3, installs the full package.
    Gvim is a great text editor, best suited for people who make a lot of programming scripting.

    From the Vim webpage:
    [quote]What Is Vim?

    Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing. It is an improved version of the vi editor distributed with most UNIX systems.

    Vim is often called a "programmer's editor," and so useful for programming that many consider it an entire IDE. It's not just for programmers, though. Vim is perfect for all kinds of text editing, from composing email to editing configuration files.

    What Vim Is Not?

    Vim isn't an editor designed to hold its users' hands. It is a tool, the use of which must be learned.

    Vim isn't a word processor. Although it can display text with various forms of highlighting and formatting, it isn't there to provide WYSIWYG editing of typeset documents. (It is great for editing TeX, though.)

    Vim's License

    Vim is charityware. Its license is GPL-compatible, so it's distributed freely, but we ask that if you find it useful you make a donation to help children in Uganda through the ICCF. The full license text can be found in the documentation. More information about charityware on Charity-ware.org.[/quote]

    You can download it for free at:
  10. Finally i was able to create an AutoIt v3 Script for Gvim 6.3!

    It installs GVim 6.3 full installation.

    Download AutoIt version 3 at this link:


    Downolad the file attached to this post and place it at the same directory as gvim install file.

    Install AutoIt from the above link.

    Compile the script.

    Here is the code:

    ; AutoIt Version: 3.0
    ; Language:       English
    ; Platform:       WinXP
    ; Author:         engine
    ; Script Function:
    ;   Install gVim 6.3

    $g_szVersion = "gVim AutoIt v3 Script 1.0"
    If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; It's already running

    ; Run the installer

    ; Options
    AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
    AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 3)

    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup")

    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup: License Agreement")

    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Options")
    Send("{DOWN 2}" & "{TAB 3}" & "{ENTER}")

    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installation Folder")

    WinSetState("Vim 6.3 Setup: Installing", "", @SW_HIDE)


    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup: Completed")

    WinWaitActive("Vim 6.3 Setup")
    Send("{RIGHT}" & "{ENTER}")

    ; Finished!

    As you can see, the install file must be named gvim63.exe.

    Hope this can help!


  11. Explain how did you get this:
    [DONE] Driver integration: HP DeskJet 3325 printer


    I have a HP Deskjet 3820, and it must be done identically! I think!

    Thanks in advance!

    Yep, this was hard. I made the installation using AutoIt v3 from http://www.hiddensoft.com/AutoIt/ so it's not driver integration, it's just automated installation :P

    You need to install that first.

    Then copy drivers .exe from hp.com

    Then do normal install but keep autoit window spy running and make

    instructions to you from autoit window spy's information about screens and texts and what you pressed etc..

    Then you need to do AutoIt script based on your instructions..

    This ain't easy task but you'll manage to do it if your read instructions carefully. See example scripts of autoit and you know how to do it. I'll check my script later and send it to you if you need it, but I think you still have to make own because of different printer..

    Edit: my script:

    I have looked at your AutoIt file and it looks very intuitive. I thik i will be able to make that work.

    I have a method of installing the driver only if the printer is present. That is check if a certain file exists and install it only if that file exists.

    Just onother question: At what stage do you install your printer drivers? Is it GuiRunOnce?


  12. artbio: Hi, Right now I'm on linux. I'll check out later today about the uninstall entries and let you know about them.

    crahak and rest, gVIM is more than a simple text editor and the only competent I've seen so far is xEmacs. You have to use them to feel 'em, there is no other way. (I'm an ordant fan amn't I?)

    I love Gvim too!

    Well, we could mail the author. Maybe he would want to help us, by changing the NSIS script, making unattended possible!

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