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Hi, I need to install the drivers for LAN and Printer in my WinPE image online. Can I install these drivers online If I have the driver's cd? Which command will be used? What are the necessary files (dll/exe/sys/inf) that should be in driver's cd folder? Will the command run in unattended mode? Thanks mchauhan
Hi, The problem is not due to firewall. I see there are two n/w adapters in my server machine and both are enable. I disable one (which is not in use) and try WOL again... Its working now. But this is not a permanent solution and there may be need to enable it in future. Can I modify magic packet in such a way so that the problem get resolved? Any idea? Thanks Madan
Hi WOL is nicely working on win2003 server. But when I try to wake the client's machine from win2008serverR2 (sending magic packets from 2008Server to other machine) its not waking up. I did some research on that and got to know- -> before installing Active Dir on 2008server it is waking up other machine nicely. -> As I install AD on it, WOL got failed. Is there some policy needed to be set or any other setting to be done to solve the problem? Thanks & Regards Madan
Hi all, I want to clone my hard drive that has windows XP so that I can use the clone hard drive on another machine. I tell you in brief I have more than ten PCs in my lab. I on one machine there is windows XP and there are many software installed in that hard drive. Now I want to make the clone of this hard drive so that I can boot the clone hard drive on another machine without any incompatibility issues of hardware. Because there can be different hardware configuration on another machine where I need to use the clone disk. Does any one knows about such tool that can perform the task? I am ready to purchase that tool if that is not free. Waiting Thanks
Hi all, I am making a tool to clone hard drives. I successfully clone windows 7 but the problem is arising while booting the clone disk. Before putting my queries about windows 7 I would like to explain some thing about other Windows OS beside Windows 7. As we know each hard drive has its signature that is written in MBR of hard drive just before partition table. This hard disk signature is unique for each hard disk that is connected to machine. In case of Windows Vista and XP this disk signature does not make effect on booting process of OS. If OS find that there is same disk signature in more than one hard drive then it change it randomly-(no effect on booting process). If I manually change this disk signature or do it zero then Vista and XP both boot smoothly and assign a new disk signature to hard drive. NOW move to windows 7----> I install windows 7 and let it make a small System Reserved partition of 100MB and install windows 7 in C: drive of my hard drive. The disk signature that this hard drive has is suppose (AB BC CD DA). If I make change in to this disk signature then machine does not boot and one error message appears "Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause". It means windows 7 depends on disk signature. After some research I came to know that the disk signature is written in BCD file. this BCD file is in Boot folder of System Reserved Partition. It means this signature is configured in to BCD during installing the Windows 7. when I clone disk0 to disk1(I clone sector by sector from low label) then this BCD file also copied to disk1 and inside this BCD file source disk signature is configured and disk1 disk signature is different from that. Due to this reason this clone disk does not boot. If I replace disk1 signature in all the places of BCD file then clone disk easily boot. It means I need to configure BCD according to destination disk(disk1) before cloning or some thing else so that the problem can be resolved. In Windows Vista before cloning I need edit BCD by executing some commands that are- bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device boot bcdedit /set {default} device boot bcdedit /set {default} osdevice boot After running these commands booting with clone disk issue has resolved. In same way for windows 7 are there some commands or any other utility that can configure BCD? Please suggest me some way. Thanks Madan
Hi, I am making a bootable USB drive by using it my machine boots with WinPE and my application run on it smoothly. At booting time I press F10 key and I see that USB drive there and by selecting it my machine boots with it. Now I am trying to boot another machine having different hardware configuration like the mother board of this machine is some older than first one. On this machine at booting time if I press F10 key then I am not seeing USB drive there in boot devices menu. I checked for removable drive option that is also enable in BIOS settings. (I tried this to boot the machine having new configuration like that was in my first machine, these machines are booting smoothly) Is this is the problem due to this older mother board chip set or the problem is due to older BIOS code that does not support USB drive as a booting device? If you need the steps that I am following to make bootable USB drive then I can show you. waiting for the reply from your side. Thanks Madan Chauhan
Hi all, As we can boot winPE from a primary partition of a Hard Drive, in same way can we have winPE in a Logical Drive of an Extended partition and boot the machine with this? Thanks. Regards Madan Chauhan
Hi.. I am stuck in booting winpe from an extended partition of a Hard drive. If it can be beneficial to other also then please try to add this in your new WinPE FAQ. Thanks
Sorry. I had forgotten that you had given control to winpeshl.ini. From the Users Guide: You need to add wpeinit to the [LaunchApps] section, followed by your Application: [LaunchApp] [LaunchApps] wpeinit %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\myApplication.exe The [LaunchApp] section is for a custom Shell. Regards EDIT: I do not use this method. It may be the case that your Application will still execute before wpeinit has completed. You can try other calls to wpeinit in the [LaunchApps] Section, such as 'CALL startnet.cmd', or 'cmd.exe, /k wpeinit', 'start /wait wpeinit', etc. I don't know which method will give satisfactory results. Trial and error! Thanks Allanf, thanks for your kind support. I will try the way you suggested me and then I will reply. Regards Madan Chauhan
It is necessary to delete the existing boot.wim. Otherwise you will be adding/appending a second image to the the existing boot.wim. Secondly, do you have network connectivity at all when you boot WinPE, or are you having trouble connecting to a share? The network drivers in the WinPE image should all be installed by default. You may need to install specific device drivers for the Network Adaptors of the system on which you boot WinPE. In which case, use: peimg /inf=<path> c:\winpe_x86\mount\Windows Regards Thanks for your support. In my application that execute on WinPE through ISO image I have a tree control in that I display all the drives name of Hard drive(like C,D,E) and "Network"(if the NETWORK is configured in that OS that I get in XP or in VISTA). But when I boot my machine with WinPE iso image all the drives of hard drive are there in the tree but "network" is not there the reason behind it (as I think) is it is not getting necessary network drivers. As you told me to install specific device drivers for the network adapter, I was trying to install these with the following command (after command-2 that I was executing before)- peimg /inf=G:\madan\mount\windows\inf\1394.inf G:\madan\mount\windows This command is successfully executing. I have some confusion here: 1- There are more than 20 .inf files in "G:\madan\mount\windows\inf" like 1394.inf, acpi.inf etc. Should I need to install all of these one by one? 2- If yes then do I need to execute command-2(imagex /mountrw G:\madan\winpe.wim 1 G:\madan\mount) each time after installing each .inf file? Well I will try it out after your reply Thanks Madan Chauhan
This is just the beginning of a long road. ... ... startnet.cmd is in your mount\windows\system32 The one default entry should be 'wpeinit', to initialiize PNP and Network support at startup. It can take a few moments. Add: SET PATH=%PATH%;<Path to your custom directory> If you like add: @ECHO OFFto the very first line, followed by the above line, then to the next line add: ECHO Path has been set to <Path to your added exe>. This will remind you what is available. Leave wpeinit til the last line. It may be better to start it in a separate process so you don't need to wait for access to the cmd prompt. ... something like that anyway. Regards Hi I am new to winPE. I am making one application that execute on winPE to do that I make ISO image file and burn it on a CD and boot my machine with this CD. I go through following steps while making ISO: command-1: copype.cmd x86 G:\madan command-2: imagex /mountrw G:\madan\winpe.wim 1 g:\madan\mount Now I copy myApplication.exe to g:\madan\mount\windows\System32 command-3- peimg /install=winPE-HTA-Package g:\madan\mount\windows command-4- peimg /install=winpe-MDAC-Package g:\madan\mount\windows command-5- peimg /install=winpe-Scripting-Package g:\madan\mount\windows command-6- peimg /install=winpe-XML-Package g:\madan\mount\windows Now I create Winpeshl.ini having following lines and paste it to g:\madan\mount\windows\syetm32\ [LaunchApp] AppPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\myApplication.exe [LaunchApps] command-7- peimg /prep g:\madan\mount\windows command-8- imagex /boot /compress max /capture g:\madan\mount g:\madan\boot.wim "My_Image" command-9- imagex /unmount g:\madan\mount /commit command-10- copy g:\madan\boot.wim g:\madan\ISO\sources\boot.wim command-11- oscdimg -n -bg:\madant\etfsboot.com g:\madan\ISO g:\madan\madan.iso After burning madan.iso on to a Cd I am able to boot the machine with this and myApplication.exe get executes. If I execute myApplication.exe in any machine that has XP or VISTA then I can easily access the share files from network or from ftp server because NETWORK connection is configured in that machine(XP or VISTA). But the same exe when get executed through above ISO then I am not able to get connected to network(LAN or ftp). That is because the NETWORK connection is not configured in WinPE iso. After some googling I got some points like there are some .inf and .sys files required for network connectivity. After executing command-2 while making ISO image file I see these in g:\madan\mount\Windows\inf(all .inf files are here) and g:\madan\mount\Windows\System32\drivers(all .sys files are here). But I do not have any idea that how can I make these files effective to my final ISO image? Should I need to execute some extra commands to do that? (Waiting for your comments) Thanks Madan Chauhan
Thanks for your support. I have two hard drives one has Vista in first partition and another hard drive has XP. As you told me I put all files of ISO folder in a primary partition of Vista Disk and set this partition as ACTIVE and I am able to boot machine from this partition. But if I do same thing in XP hard drive then I get error(NTLDR is missing) at booting time. Do I need to change somewhere else in case of XP? Thanks Madan Chauhan
Hi All , I have some doubt please clear me. Can WinPE boot the machine form Hard drive partition like other OSs? We can boot it through CD by making ISO image, similarly can we have it in Hard drive Partition? If yes please provide me some guidelines or web links so that I can go through these. Thanks Madan Chauhan
Hi all, How can I connect my machine to network while booting with WinPE so that I can access the files from LAN or from any ftp:// server? In my application I make an ISO image and burn it to a CD, when machine boots from CD my application executes. Please guide me about the commands and the settings that I need to do at the time of creating ISO image so that I can get connected to network when boot the machine from CD. Please provide me some guidelines. Thanks Regards Madan Chauhan
Hi all, I am creating one application that run on WinPE. I made my application(myExe.exe) using vc++ and I create ISO by going through following steps: 1- copype.cmd x86 D:\WinPeExe 2- imagex /mountrw D:\WinPeExe\winpe.wim 1 D:\WinPeExe\mount 3- copy myExe to mount\windows\System32 8- Winpeshl.ini to mount\windows\syetm32\ :- I changed winpeshl.ini by doing: [LaunchApp] AppPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\myExe.exe [LaunchApps] 9- peimg /prep D:\WinPeExe\mount\windows 10- imagex /boot /compress max /capture D:\WinPeExe\mount D:\WinPeExe\boot.wim "My_Image" 11- imagex /unmount D:\WinPeExe\mount /commit 12- copy D:\WinPeExe\boot.wim D:\WinPeExe\ISO\sources\boot.wim 13- oscdimg -n -bD:\WinPeExe\etfsboot.com D:\WinPeExe\ISO D:\WinPeExe\WinPeExe.iso Now when I boot my machine with WinPE then meExe.exe run, In my exe there is a tree control that shows all the volumes of my hard drive. when I click on any volume it expand. But if the volume is not formatted it shows a message that the "Drive is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?" this is the message of WinPE that comes itself. If I click on "Format now" it prompt another message "Can not format the drive". I am stuck in avoiding these messages. OR how can I format the drive when I click on "Format now". I s there some extra steps need to done when I am making ISO image. Because WinPE itself prompt this message so I am not able to trace it or format it at that moment. I need your suggestion. Thanks.