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Everything posted by MacNala

  1. I have been trying a new router. This router does not respond correctly to SOAP packets which causes a loss of connection. What is it that send the SOAP packets? It seems to be from svchost.exe, but there are so many possibilities. Host OS: WinXP SP3, Network connection: 100Mbps, Connection type: wired.
  2. Many thanks for the URL. I had not found it before, but now I have it from you, it is a god send to beginners. Thanks.
  3. Yes in parts. By the D drive you mean that your target machines all have a D drive?I am trying to create the bootable disc to contain all the updates for machines that only have a C drive. So if I understand you correctly you put "Runonce.cmd" in the Runonce tab entry in nLite and the "Runonce.cmd" file in the folder that contains the slipstreamed files modified by nLite? When is the runonce executed, the guide says at first logon, is that correct? Thanks for keeping me sane!
  4. May I ask the obvious question how do you create a RunOnce entry?I assume you have to copy the fix or other update to the output folder and then enter a command string which will execute the file from the %SOURCE% file. Or have i got it wrong again. Incidentally I have abandoned trying to embed the security update referred to above as a hot fix and now am trying the runonce solution but having difficulty.
  5. I think that must be a mistake. The SP3 update is a different number (KB936929). The one quoted by iamtheky (KB952069) is a security update to the original SP3 update. It cannot be in the SP3 fix because it only came out in the last monthly fixes.I am beginning to think that there must be something wrong with nLite. On a separate point how can you tell an update is post SP3? I did this by installing the SP3 streamed version and then allowing MS Update to generate a list of updates it wanted to apply. Which incidentally included Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130) and Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - December 2008 (KB890830) in addition to KB952069. If the method adopted by nLite cannot handle these types of updates then it may not be the tool for me.
  6. The original CD is available it is one from my Microsoft Action Pack subscription. It is however at SP2 level. I generated a version to include SP3 using AutoStreamer. Hope this allays your unspoken fears.
  7. You are absolutely right I picked the wrong .ini file I have attached the right one this time (I hope). Last_Session.ini
  8. As a newcomer to nLite I need a little help. I ran the default generation of Windows XP SP3 from a slipstreamed CD I had. I then used the generated ISO to install the contents into a Virtual PC machine successfully. The real reason for my trying nLite was to protect my XP system in the event that I need to re-instal XP on a machine and MS has stopped making updates available. So I next ran a generation using the initial setup and adding the update files I had previously confirmed would update individually an installed WinXP SP3. When nLite came to process the updates it objected to only one, KB952065 with an error message I attach in the nLite Error.png file. I also attach the Last Session.ini file I think was in use. Can anyone tell me what happened and will the update be added? Edit See later version of Last Session.ini
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