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Posts posted by XP_NO
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Two things;
1. How I disabled cleartype and changed my fonts:
The complete workaround can be found here: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/1175-fonts-change.html
2. There are still some screens with blurry fonts.
I am working with the official Windows 7 beta (build 7000) and even with the register settings and font settings as mentioned on the website from the link, I did not manage to fix them all.
Here you find a screenshot from what I mean (click on thumb to enlarge:
As you can see the 'conform save as' popup is a little blurry as the top of the screen is.
Some other screens do have the same issue, for example in the start menu the 'all programs' button is also a little blurry.
Can someone help me with this one?
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I would recommend you to download the small program 'unlocker' from http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/.
This program did solve my problem completely.
I have used the settings 'use unlocker assistant' and disabled shell integration and other stuff in the installation setup.
Worth to try
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I am using Office 2002 Professional and am thinking of upgrading/ replacing it with Office 2007 including Outlook and Access.
Three questions;
- Is an Office 2007 upgrade package valid for updating from Office 2002 Professional?
- Do you get a full installation with that with the possibility to do a fresh install, or is it really an upgrade package updating your exe and other belonging files? (like for example servicepack 3 for XP)
- Using the Office 2007 upgrade package will automatically mention you can not legally use the Office 2002 Professional install on an old computer anymore?
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To speedup things a little on my pretty old system, I have disabled cleartype.
Now I want to change the systemfonts to some other fonts, which was very easy in XP but I can not find it in Windows 7...
Can someone tell me how to change the default fonts for the menu, icons etc..?
Edit: found it, topic can be deleted
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host-a.net is doing a good job.
I am using it now for about two months and although the setup is very simple, it is only 40Mb, but it is for life and mirrored.
When you want filesharing for a bunch of small files, I would recommend host-a.net
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Yes, UAC turned off all the way; set to no notification; got the message to reboot so UAC could be turned off.
After reboot, no notifications was set, and UAC indeed is off.
It seems like programs which are showed in explorer are sometimes blocked because the explorer process is using them, so deleting, moving etc... is not possible.
When I know more about this issue I will post it here; in the mean time I am curious if other people do have the same experience and do know a solution.
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My Windows directory is about 7,8Gb at the moment so 8Gb as primary drive would be too small.
But what you probably can do is using vlite and remove for example the media center and other stuff you do not need to test/ run the normal things of Windows 7.
My complete C:\ , installation of Windows 7, office, opera, avg, gimp, ccleaner, wsftp, foxit, java, orov and infrarecorder is 8,8Gb at the moment with an one user setup.
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Silverlight downloaded from the microsoft website does not sound like a virus to me
But to be sure I have done a system scan and lucky me, no virus found.
Btw., I do have exactly the same amount of processes as after my fresh installation, I do a system scan, system cleanup etc... reguarly, and because I am not using IE as my default browser and I am not installing all kind of unknown software on my computer, the chance I get a virus is small.
Although switched off, could this be an UAC issue?
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Another example:
I do have two partitions; my Windows 7 partition and a data partition.
On the data partition I do have a directory with the original installation files for programs I am using.
For example the installs of opera, flash, etc...
In this directory I do have an exe for installing silverlight. I try to delete it and it is coming back every time.
When starting explorer as administrator (right-click: run as administrator) the same is happening.
After a reboot and doing the same, the result is the same.
I tried to delete the file by opening a dos screen (run: cmd <enter>, then go to the directory, close explorer in task manager and try to delete the file in the dos screen); result: Acces Denied.
Starting up in safe mode did the trick, but ofcourse this should not be the normal way to delete those files....
How to delete those files which are from my own and which I have saved under my username, so no other rights or whatever???
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Sometimes it is not possible to remove some old directories and exe files which are left after removal of a program.
For example Adobe Acrobat; I removed the program and tried to delete the still existing directory in C:\Program Files.
But, after removing about two seconds later, the exe is there again...
I know there is a function in XP to prevent users to delete system files.
This seems the same, but as far as I know I have disabled all that kind of stuff in system settings, processes etc...
It seems like although I am administrator on my system, sometimes I do not have the rights to do some actions, or my system is preventing doing it.
Someone with the answer?
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Thanks for your clear explanation Cluberti.
I defenately will keep the write back cache disabled then
So, then the performance of my laptop tested by the Win7 Performance Score: 4.5
Memory is the issue here....
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a question about the write back cache;
On my laptop it increased the Performance Score on the harddisk from 2 in a 5.
But in real life; does it increase harddisk performance?
In other words; why did they put in the write back cache when it is decreasing performance?
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Sorry then
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Please do not spam my mailbox with programs I do not want
Probably it will be usefull for users not knowing anything about the background of their operating system, I prefer to use the registereditor, my own reg files and not a program I do not know, and therefor do not trust....
About your message here in this topic; seems more like advertising your program then usefull additional information to me
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1Gb of ram here
May be it is time to buy some extra ram. As I understand, ram is not as expensive as it was..
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I have deleted all locations under library settings, so also for music I deleted the directories which were set as directories to search in.
My directory where I store music is "d:\mijn muziek", so not exactly default.
But, also with these settings, the behaviour as mentioned...
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I have all library stuff disabled, because I do not need and do not like it.
I know where my files are and I do not want Windows to collect this information for me.
But.. when ripping a cd, the music library is automatically built up again.
Is this normal WMPlayer behaviour, or is this some kind of bug in Windows 7?
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Hi MPalmz,
When it did not work so well I would probably do the same as you do.
But to be honoust, I have installed Windows 7, switched off some services (see my topic in the Windows 7 forum) and after that and some small tweaking with register and other settings, I am very satisfied with my Windows 7 installation.
Everything I need is working, everything I do not need is switched off and not visible for the outside world.
Probably my small addings in vLite caused my problems, I know. And probably the ini file itself is working fine, although there were some things I had to enable again because of using office and mediaplayer.
And as said; when Windows 7 is coming out and I will decide to buy it, then vLite will defenately be used to make a nice small installationdvd at that moment
May be a little off topic, but where I was very happy with the small setup of nlite, I was very dissappointed about the huge install of vlite.
vlite itself is larger, but installing waik.... 1.xxGb of waist which I am not using, but which I do need to use vlite.
I really hope there will come a solution for that. It is very userunfriendly to let people download an iso, burn it, install it and then install vlite.
And I do understand this has to do with copyright
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Thanks Pointertovoid.
I think I will decide to buy a new Office package when Windows 7 is out and I have to install everything again.
Then all software will be english, no dutch or whatever...
This version will go to my wife then
About the keyboard; good point. Unfortunately I can not help you with that one....
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Working thanks
About favorites; no, it is still there.
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I tried that, but it is coming back.
What I did:
right click on libraries >> delete
right click on networks >> delete
after about two seconds, everything back....
It seems I can not delete 'Network' although the option is there.
After deletion, everything is set back as it was.
Without deleting 'Network' Libraries is staying away.
Isn't there an option to get the old XP folder look back?
How to set system fonts?
in Windows 7
Posted · Edited by XP_NO