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Everything posted by Jackson0

  1. Hi, my wish is a FILEMOVE command that better works. Problem is that the MOVE /Y command has problems when the targed Fíles/Folders exisits. When I use FILEMOVE in the WPI script to move in AllUsers/Programs for example Winrar to Tools/Winrar, first time it works perfect. But by the an anonther (double) Winrar installation the Winrar folder was not moved. move command returns Error Message "Access Denied" Regards Jackson
  2. Hi, I have some problems with files that will not be moved or deletet. Files positions are correct. %AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Acronis\Acronis True Image Home" is a folder. {MAKEDIR} "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Brenn und Festplatten Tools" {FILEMOVE} "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Acronis\Acronis True Image Home" "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Brenn und Festplatten Tools\" will not moved into "Brenn und Festplatten Tools" folder. Foldername is correct! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {DELETE} "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\Acronis Disk Director.lnk" will not be deletet, although there. Filename is correct! The problem seems with long filenames and spaces between the words. Regards Jackson
  3. Hi, I tried to install my WPI-Project on a Vista machine. The Software will be installed correctly, but the programentries will not work correctly. Why that? ex.: .... {MAKEDIR} "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Office" {FILEMOVE} "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Microsoft Office" "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\Office\" .... {MAKEDIR} "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\System" {FILEMOVE} "%AllUserSProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\TuneUp Utilities 2009" "%AllUsersProfile%\Startmenü\Programme\System\" Under XP it works fine, but under Vista Makedir and Filemove without function (and no error report in WPI) Regards Jackson
  4. Why not? For that is the sleep-command the solution... I have some exe-files they will not end without manual input. And I think it "easy" to programm (like command "start /wait ...exe" and "start ...exe") Thanks for the script, but here is a WPI-wishlist thread and a direct command (like machlink in "DOS") is my wish... Regards Jackson
  5. Hi! My wishlist: Command to run file in Background (some progs needet to end with a taskkill) makelink funktion to make a link to an exe Regards Jackson
  6. Hi, when I break the WPI installation with the cancel button the WPI runs the end execute script and the restart window. Both cancel and start WPI. Is that what you wanted? And is this registryentry still needed before I start the WPI? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles] "MaxScriptStatements"=dword:ffffffff
  7. Hello, I have an similar problem like kalikanzaros #2 I work on different computers with the WPI in program mode. I found out thats the WPI makes an reg-entry for the path of the config-files and use this every time this path when wpi config was saved. Why that? I think it is better the reg-entry will every wpi start updatet with the wpi-folder from that the wpi.hta is startet. Like %wippath% (it was changed always to the correct wpi path. Regards Jackson
  8. Hi, an & in the WPI Script make some errors Details/Name with "&" will not displayed correct. Example: Spybot Search & Destroy will be cut at Spybot Search {FILEMOVE} "%AllUsersPrifile%\Startmenü\Spybot - Search & Destroy" "%AllUsersPrifile%\Startmenü\Security" will not work while an "&" is in the path string. Regards Jackson
  9. Sometimes it ist easyer, better and faster to work with a Editor in the config.js (Ex. Find and Replace) For this is easyer to have each command in one line. (Comma replaced through CR&LF) Example: cmds[pn]=['"%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\wrar362d.exe" -s','"%ROOT%\\Tools\\7z.exe" x -y -o"%PROGRAMFILES%\\WinRAR" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\rarkey.rar"','"%ROOT%\\Tools\\parsecommands.cmd" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\unattended_150.inf"']; better: cmds[pn]=['"%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\wrar362d.exe" -s' '"%ROOT%\\Tools\\7z.exe" x -y -o"%PROGRAMFILES%\\WinRAR" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\rarkey.rar"' '"%ROOT%\\Tools\\parsecommands.cmd" "%ROOT%\\Anwendungen\\Toolz\\WinRAR 3.62\\unattended_150.inf"'];
  10. Normaly is wait to finish the command the right way, but some Apps ask for User input befor they ending. For this Apps is a nowait command and a Taskkill the only solution...
  11. Hello, how can I run a exe-file in background? Example: C1:%wpipath%\Install\Progs\Test.exe /S C2: Sleep 15 C3: Taskkill Test.exe Dosen't work, the WPI hangs in the first C1-Line and do not run to C2 Until I closed the Test.exe manually. Regards Jackson
  12. Hi, the comando TimeWaitForFile will not work. Seem's like a "comma" problem .....exe",10) ,10) will be cut Regards Jackson
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