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Posts posted by Mahon

  1. Hi all,

    Just starting to get to grips with Vista, Sysprep and unattended installations. I was wondering if it's possible to edit the unattend.xml file in offline mode after Sysprep has run? What I'm currently doing is:

    1. Install Vista Enterprise

    2. Configure system, install applications

    3. Create unattend.xml file using SIM

    4. Run sysprep /generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:unattend.xml

    5. PC shuts down, boot to WinPE, capture image

    Once I've captured the image, I can mount it in offline mode and inject drivers using pkgmgr. Is it possible at this stage to edit the unattend.xml file, commit the changes to the image, so that when it runs, setup will use the new settings I've specified? Or have the settings from unattend.xml already been parsed into the system?

    The reason I want to do it is to cut out the image capture part of the process (i.e. every time I want to change a setting in unattend.xml I'll have to recapture the image)


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