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    Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Everything posted by didava

  1. Somebody knows ؟؟
  2. Sorry my English is not so good! I do not bother with width I want to know that it does not use KmPlayer of nsis?? What code is silent? This code will always return to normal I've used this code code: kmp.exe /s kmp.exe /NCRC kmp.exe /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS kmp.exe /NCRC /S /D=C:\Program Files\NSIS kmp.exe /SD /D=C:\Program Files\kmp.exe kmp.exe /SD I will be grateful if you can help Many thanks friend KMPlayer V3.6.0.85
  3. No one knows the silent installation code?? ver KMPlayer36085 Thanks
  4. "Change your Vista GUI to Windows 7" GShellPack For Vista 3.0 Edit By BS Editor: Gshell Pack Details: Please note _ After the installation completed, immediately restart you system. _ Refrain from installing the program on viral computers. _ This program can only be installed on Windows Vista Version 6.0 (Build 6002 : Service Pack 2 ) VistaSP2_RM.1_ULT_RTL Points to ponder _ In order to re-install the Pack you must uninstall it first. __ Delete all the programs that you have already installed to change the Windows' environment, and make sure that all the settings of Windows Vista are in 'Standard' mode. Enable Seven7 Boot Screen Aunch MSCONFIG (Click the Start Orb. Search for MSCONFIG). Click on the Boot tab. Check the No GUI Boot checkbox. Click the OK button. Restart the PC. View the Se7en boot screen. How to fix the start menu buttons To fix a strange bug on the start menu Lock/Logoff buttons you have to set your pc power setting to ballance and the left button "Power Button" to "Shut Down" mode How to make Big Quick Lunch Icons 1. Right-click any open space in the taskbar and clear the checkmark from Lock the Taskbar. 2. Right-click the taskbar again and choose Toolbars, Quick Launch. A small Batch of icons appears next to the Start button. 3. Click and drag the Quick Launch toolbar's right handle to the right to create some extra icon space. 4. Right-click in an open space within that toolbar, then choose View, Large Icons. you can free download GShellPack For Vista 3.0 now. Download and more Screenshot http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enh...for-Vista.shtml http://www.brothersoft.com/gshellpack-for-vista-275659.html http://gigasoft.ir/downloads-file-77.html
  5. I can do a Persian translation. If I request help
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