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Porn Loader

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Posts posted by Porn Loader

  1. It's interesting the note about raising up the laptop. I've seen so many laptop stands that have built in fans that just do absolutely nothing. The fans are there, whirring away, and my temperatures stay the exact same.

    what kind of laptop? i've got quite a few users on dell d600's. the cpu sits right under the left wrist pad. ive got 7 or 8 users that were crying about the heat that are now using targus chill mats, and no more complaints (other than their dells dying :realmad: )

    as for laptop longevity, good to hear yours made it through gamehead. i've got a dell inspiron 4100 that runs my card reader (xp w/ SQL 2k) at work thats been up since i started there 2.5 years ago. power profile set to always on for the hdd, only the lcd powers down.

  2. I read recently here that the L2 cache should ideally be 2x the installed RAM.


    Dick, you need to read more carefully. :whistle:

    Most desktop CPU's of that age only came with 256/512kb of L2 cache. So 2x less would be 128/256 kilobytes for ram. Not going to work seeing how 2003 minimum is 128 megabytes (which is nuts in itself).

  3. running the x64 version here with multiple issues. seems to be a step back imo.

    win explorer will lag the computer out for 10-15 seconds, then once the window pops up it takes another 20-30 seconds to populate.

    it activated just fine last nite, but now its telling me its not activated? whats up with that? plus it errors out anytime i try to reactivate it.\

    *edit* like an id*** i was killing services on sat, and killed the "software licensing service", re-enabled that and all was good :blushing:

    granted i understand its the 1st full content beta, but stuff that worked fine before (just using it to browse my computer or the web) is now pretty much fubar'd. heres hoping the next ctp is a giant leap.... :blushing:

    edit any one get sound working with an x-fi? mine wont work, even w/ the beta creative drivers?

  4. x64 Edition only thoug 3.6 gb wow.

    that was my question, when i checked around 4:30 cst, it was showing both 64 bit and 32 bit. just got home from work, logged in and now its only showing 64bit. luckily i dont need the 32bit, but im still curious. ;)

  5. Pure water? Everything should be fine once it dries out completely. Pure water doesn't leave behind any residue when it evaporates.

    nope, just tap water. and as a side note.. when i got here everything still had power and most everything was still running. pulled everything out and started drying it off w/ paper towels and a heatgun.

    rogue, the best part is on average there are only about 11 employees in this office :thumbup it varies though. we are starting up a toshiba rdm project that i'll have to set up a call center here for. that'll double the number of employees in this office :D

  6. i administer cisco pix's and routers at work, if that's the kind of thing u were on about, and no I dont think I need a firewall like that for home use, for home use I want simplicity. ;)

    grab a 501 with the 3des pack then for home use :D

    at home, i agree with gouki. as i am the only one that uses my home pc and seeing as that i reformat ~4 times a month, i run no av or firewall.. fire wall duties are left up to a befsx-41. as for zone alarm, i have ran into SOOOO many tcp/ip stack corruptions that anytime i find a user that was running ZA that is having issues, i just re-image the machine.

  7. forgive me as it has been awhile since i used the used the wizard.. but lets start at the basics

    get to your control panel (click start->control panel if on default xp, start->settings-control panel on classic), select network connections. right click on your connection, select properties, make sure file and prnt sharing is on..

    also can you ping each computer?


  8. :blink:

    so i got a call from my boss saturday morning. apparently a pipe in our heating loop broke. where was it? right above my racks. nice friggin design. i want to shoot whoever put the room there without looking at the HVAC schematics. going to be replacing about $30k in gear as it all got soaked. any how first things first company background:

    smaller company. about 100 employee's overall, with 5 physical locations (one was a small local office closing in april) across the usa. sharepoint portal and email hosted off site so its basically just AD and file/print at the offices. branches use cisco pix 506e's for firewalls/tunnels, and have their own dc. ok you guys will get a kick out of this as it is the most complex "small" office you'll see :lol:

    main office:

    old compaq brick: (running a pair of pentium pros :huh: ) backup gc running 2k3, dead thank god

    compaq dl-360 1u: 2k3, fismo role holder for the company. getting replaced but running (dumped about 20 oz's of water out of it)

    dell poweredge 1850 1u: 2k3, file and print. wet getting replaced

    sonicwall pro 2040: wet, getting replaced, voltages are out of wack on the built in monitor but running

    cisco 3005 vpn concentrator: wet but running replacement optional

    3x cisco catalyst 3550 POE SMI switches: all dead, pieced one together out of parts. had a power transformer out of a previous one that died. out of service now; got a replacement

    cisco 2620 edge router: of main office; wet still running replacement optional

    cisco 1751 router: handled a transport T1 to one local office, dead no replacement needed more than likely as that office is closing, killing the transport

    d-link layer 3 switch for dmz: wet getting replaced, running now

    dell dlt tape backup: soaked, getting replaced

    4x 48 patch panels: soaked, getting replaced

    T1 for internet: operational

    PRI: operational

    i think thats all the gear, but ive put in like 50 hours since saturday morning so i may be forgetting something.

    internet->2620 (public on both interfaces)->dmz switch->sonicwall (one public, one private int)-> internal

    ..........................................................................from dmz^->3005 vpn concentrator (one public, one private int)-> internal

    anyhow heres my biggest issue. we run a cisco callmanager 7750 for phones at the home branch, and also the closing office across the transport. it was dry, except for the top. all modules were dry, no water in the bottom, all modules dry. but im still worried about it just based on cost. havent looked recently, but most of the cisco voip is going for $30k plus. worried about corrosion/oxidation down the line

    heres my plan. all the branches are up and running except for the local "closing" office (stole some gear from there just in case it was needed).

    get $$ for the concentrator, no replacement. the replacement sonicwall can terminate the tunnels just fine. christ its just three tunnels.

    get cash for the cisco 2620, i've got a 2650 at the closing ofiice i can use for an edge router

    no replacement for the 1751 as that office is closing

    now we are getting to the interesting part. the vpn conc was parallel to the firewall (standard cisco setup), but leaves it as a possible breaching point. my default gateway (server was pointing at the switch) was one of the 3550's (all were connected by gbic). now on the default gateway had ip routes pointing at the concentrator for remote offices, and the transport T1. open up the sonicwall and it had about 6 ip routes. where where they pointing? at the default gateway aka my main 3550. talk about a loop... reset it factory defaults, as anything that makes that far it should go out the firewall.

    basically everything that got wet is gone, except for the callmanager. only going to order 2 new servers (probably a pair of the 1850's unless dell actually starts selling the opty's now), but my main question is does anyone see anything out of wack with my plan? any opinions?

    as for switches i already picked up a cisco 3560 48 port POE SMi switch, and will more than likely pick up another.

  9. well then you might have a good reason for not liking dell, but the matter is still with the chipset, like you said you have it running on a NF2 chipset where as the NF4 is the one in question. try it with a NF4 mobo and see if you can get it running. It might be possible but i have yet to find drivers or a method that will work

    no issues here with it on a nF4 or nF3

  10. So the extra 1MB of L2 cache in the Opteron 170 makes no difference?

    It's an additional 512KB of L2 cache... and when you consider you're working with files that are hundreds of megabytes in size, that additional 512KB won't make as much difference as going to a faster storage medium to read and write to.

    for the affinity you just use the task manager and right click on the process
    I've yet to see that option available in Windows without the aid of a third party tool, such as the one offered by Tom's Hardware.

    for the 1 meg l2, depends on what you are doing. for gamers, it will increase your minimum fps by a bit aka a couple frames max.

    as for your second post teq,

    granted its not setting it thru taskmanger, but prime remembers which core has affinity. multi core is still relatively new tech. give it time it'll come around. and plz don' give me the "smp has been around since the mid90's" crap. yes it has, but it has actully become affordable to the cheap geek/home consumer now

  11. *sniopped*

    Well, that leaves you with one of two options:

    [*] Remove the thermal pads and use a dab of Arctic Silver or Ceramique between the memory and the base.

    thats not going to work very well if the gaps +2mm....... (even on a smaller gap i'd be worried about running that...)

  12. yes you can swap bios between same model cards, or even different cards. but you have to be prepared on when swapping drastically different bios between cards. worst case scenario.. dead card, 2nd worst.. blind flash

    have fun!

  13. get this case, a few of us here have it, including me


    i have to disagree on that suggestion.. i bought my P180 in november, and since then i have had both side panels, the front panel, and the 2 25mmx120mm replaced (free of charge). the panels all had the silver portion seperate from the surrounding area aka if you look down one of the panels or the door, you see a nice wavy line. both fans started screaching after about 2 months use. while a very nice looking case when i got it, im just waiting for the replacements to fail....

    i'll be picking up a new case, but i'm waiting for OCZ to make an official annoucement on their phase change system before i drop cash on a new case.

  14. well,..hehe..I did provide you with meausured voltage directly on board with a Multimeter...but please speculate on.. :whistle:

    yea but that chart doesnt list what the bios reads at x amount of vcore. i know the things overvolt a touch when under load, but i don't remember it doing this w/ my 4000+ sd.

  15. use the bios! you will also notice that while under load, cpuz will give a higher voltage than at idle, that higher voltage is closer to the correct voltage. for the voltage, set it to 1.5v right now and see how high u can get. and leave the ram divider at 1:2

    yea, i just need more time to play. I took today off and still ended up at the office for a couple of hours. its been acouple of months since ive tweaked w/ th dfi mem settings. time for some reading! i was kinda hoping for 2.6 at default w/o any dicking around. lady luck is not on my side i guess. :D

  16. specs:

    opty 175 0543 MPMW

    SI-120 w/ panny M1A fan

    DFI LP UT Ultra-D (OCZ tony's 7/23 bios)

    2x1gig OCZ pc3200 el (OCZ OCZ4001024ELPE)

    BFG 7800GTX

    1x maxtor diamondmax 10 300gig sata

    2x dvdrom

    3x120 fans (including cpu)

    OCZ powerstream 420w

    1st nite i got the opty, ran 230 1:1 (2530mhz, 3-4-8-4, 2.8v) fine at stock voltages (auto,1.33v in bios, other voltages +.02). next day, wouldnt boot at stock voltage. had to up vcore to 1.475 at the above settings. (bios read 1.45, cpuz read 1.33 wtf?)

    2 instances of prime would fail at the above almost instantly, it would reboot the pc. 06 benches hung in varying places. had to drop ram to 225 (1:1 still) to get a complete 06 bench or prime (only about 2 hours). then went back to 230 with a 1:2 divider, still the same. havent had any time to dig into ram settings to see if 230+ is stable. :} i have 2x512 of mushkin pc3500 lvl II that i can throw in, but i'd like to figure out my set up as is....

    my main issue now is the voltage readings for vid control. cpuz and everest tend to agree, but are WAY under whats set in bios, plus bios doesn't even read close to what i have it set to (+/- .025v) so thats kinda holding me back. im worried about adding more voltage.

  17. 9358

    specs in link, although im not running that 4000+ any more, moved to an opty 175. haven't rebenched 05 on the new cpu as i'll probably wont even come close to that old score (2.76ghz vs. 2.53 for new cpu).

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