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Posts posted by sfeone

  1. Before I got to know this wonderful script, I was the nLite users. Although nLite is also nice, it has some problems, mainly, not working with .Net Framework integration.

    I needed to spend some time to get to know how to use HFSLIP, but now it makes me save more time than nLite does.

    Just as indicated in the manual, I followed every step and could get the final ISO image. It looked so nice first.

    However, I faced the "one" error. Still, I did not got further step so that I know just one problem by now.

    Before installing this integrated Windows XP on my desktop directly, I tested it under my VirtualBox machine 2.0.4. It looked great, but I got this problem:


    The file, HFGUI1.EXE is located under [sOURCE]\i386

    After several trials of pressing Enter, I just decided to skip the copying step and went up for the next. Fortunately, there's no further problem.

    My question is to know if I can skip the copy of HFGUI1.EXE? Or, after the installation, can I manually execute the file?

    Please let me have the right answer for me.


    Thank you so much.

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