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Everything posted by drollexecutive

  1. MSDOS 5 manual states running a bat (ie cmd) file from a bat file requires "CALL nameof.bat". CALL is used by cmd.com as a keyword to run batch files. Does this help in instances?
  2. Can some specific be made about CAB files in the OemPnPDriversPath cause I have more than usual added cab in my directories?
  3. I have been working with your information (about 7 months). I was wondering why the files for OEM Unattended are not specific. One choice I found was simple 8.3 names working in instances. Another choice was stating that OEM installation was the event of full install. Another choice which I don't understand and would ask help about is the WINNT.BAT file, could it be used for UPGRADE INSTALLATION. I have made a path work here on an Upgrade Unattended CD and include it to like the example (OemPnPDriversPath=OEMDRVRS\1via4in1;OEMDRVRS\2net;OEMDRVRS\3cabaud;OEMDRVRS\3msnvidia;OEMDRVRS\3nvcinem;OEMDRVRS\3SDBLSTR;OEMDRVRS\4elsa;OEMDRVRS\4nvcap;OEMDRVRS\8MODEM;OEMDRVRS\9MOUSE) this path works during Upgrade CD:\I386\OEMDRVRS\... Including madeup winnt.bat ??? @rem SetupMgrTag @echo off rem rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager. rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified. rem set AnswerFile=E:\i386\Winnt.sif set SetupFiles=E:\i386 CD:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile%
  4. Had some luck. Take a look at the examples page where the winnt.sif (unattend.txt) shows [GUIRunOnce] shows. I have been trying out several techniques. I found scripts. One slipstreamer.rar I used to start a new windows directory, example, fresh install. I received a message could not find ...\install\Hotfixes.cmd. NEW INSTALL I advanced some of the script ... It now creates a Hotfixes.cmd -- CLS @ECHO OFF TITLE Installing Hotfixes start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB817778.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB820291.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB822603.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB823182.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB824105.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB824141.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB825119.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB826942.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB828035.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\KB832353.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\Q814995.exe /Q /M /Z start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\js56nen.exe /Q:A /R:N start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\q828750.exe /Q:A /R:N start /wait E:\I386\Install\Hotfixes\Q823718.exe /T:C:\WUTEMP\Q823718 /C:"C:\WUTEMP\Q823718\dahotfix.exe /q /n" /Q start /wait E:\I386\Update\DX9NTOPK.exe start /wait E:\I386\Update\sleep.exe 540 start /wait E:\I386\Update\WMP9MM2.exe start /wait E:\I386\Update\sleep.exe 540 start /wait E:\I386\Update\HMTCDWIZ.exe /Q:A /R:N start /wait E:\I386\Update\sleep.exe 540 EXIT And it adds a line to WINNT.SIF, the example minus the last statement. %CDROM%\I386\Install\Hotfixes.cmd and moves the change replacing example copy in .../I386. Caveat -- I think two places has these hotfixes -- the first page and some where inbetween in this forum, a page with faxcntl, wireless, sp1 update, media player fix, set program access... . The caveat is I could have missed one. The order isn't always correct ... Slipstreamer.cmd
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