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Posts posted by Dexter71

  1. Hi can anyone help me again. When i open the properties on a excel file and then go to advanced summary why is it

    that on the last date saved the date can be changed? Isn't there somewhere that the date should be fixed so that a

    file can be accurately dated?

  2. Hi i am recently going through an employment tribunal and part of the evidence that could proove my innocence was on an excel file

    on the works computer. When it turned up it was corrupted now i managed to open the file by using a program called ExcelFIX which

    was fantastic as now i can proove my innocence. I have got to perform this in front of the tribunal. What i would like to know is could

    someone tell me how to corrupt an excel file so i can also replicate this with a warning that the file is corrupted so i can show the

    tribunal how this could be done so long as the warning has corrupted in it. This would be very useful as this would show that i can fix a corrupted file and also show an example of how easy a file can be corrupted.

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