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Posts posted by SirHaschke

  1. I put this line in WPI

    %~dp0xcacls.exe "C:\Programme\AQS_GKIS_MISVA" /T /E /C /G Jeder:F;F

    and put xcacls.exe in the same directory of my batch file.

    But it doesn' work :-(.


    Now i put this in the command line of WPI


    This is the content of my Rechte.bat:

    cd %cd%

    cd Install

    cd VA

    xcacls.exe "C:\Programme\AQS_GKIS_MISVA" /T /E /C /G Jeder:F;F

    xcacls.exe "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop" /T /E /C /G Jeder:F;F

    This works fine.......

  2. I don't know the parameter %~dp0Setup.exe.

    I try to explain it.

    This is my command line in WPI:


    This is the content of the "Rechte.bat" file:

    D:\WPI\Tools\xcacls.exe "C:\Programme\AQS_GKIS_MISVA" /T /E /C /G Jeder:F;F

    D:\WPI\Tools\xcacls.exe "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All Users\Desktop" /T /E /C /G Jeder:F;F

    But in the batch file is D:\ (my CD drive).

    WPI works with %wpipath% and it does not matter if the drive is D:\ or E:\.

    Is it possible to work with a variable in my batch file?

  3. OK. I try it in english :-)

    Thanks for your answer.

    So slowly i come to finish....

    But i still have a few questions and i don't want to open a new post.

    1. I want to change the install order.

    I put the number in the field "installationorder" but that's not working.

    How can i change the install order?

    2. Some programs should only install if my OS is Vista

    How can i realize that?

    I think over the field "unconditional"

    But how looks the syntax?

    3. I want to copy a file

    Under command i can choose "FileCopy".

    How look the syntax if i copy e.g. a file from WPI\Install\Test to C:\Program Files........

  4. Great,

    i take the $OEM$ with the runonceex.

    Dieses Schnellstartpaket startet WPI per RunOnceEx nach der Windows Installation. Um es zu nutzen, müssen Sie nur den %oem% Ordner neben den WPI und i386 Ordnern einfügen.

    Für alle Versionen von Windows 2000, XP und 2003 (Theme funktioniert nicht mit 2000)

    $oem$ Ordner <-- Link!

    Inhalt des $OEM$ Archives:


    RunWPI.exe (Setzt die RunOnceEx Einträge für WPI und das MCE Theme für das Aussehen des RunOnceEx Dialoges.)

    It works fine.

    Whats the difference beetween this one and the other $OEM$ ??

    Dies ist ein neues $OEM$ Archiv für WPI um NACH dem Laden des Desktops zu starten!

    Für alle Versionen von Windows 2000, XP und 2003 (Theme funktioniert nicht mit 2000)

    $oem$ Ordner <-- Link!

    Inhalt des $OEM$ Archives:



  5. Hello,

    i want to create a bootable DVD (XP SP3) with IE7 and some other tools like Adobe Reader.......

    What is the best way to create such a DVD.

    A bootable DVD with XP SP3 exists.

    Can i integrate IE7 in it or only with tools like Nlite...??

    After the installation from the OS, WPI should start an install the rest of the tools......

    How can i realize that?

    Thanks for tips


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