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Everything posted by TedJBrown

  1. This is currently the easiest way to integrate IE8 RTM with nLite:
  2. Do you want to know how to easily integrate the final version of IE8 (Internet Explorer 8) with nLite? You've come to the right place. 1. Download the IE8 addon here: http://www.winaddons.com/internet-explorer-80/ 2. Insert the addon file you downloaded into the hotfixes page of nLite. 3. Run the nLite process and enjoy. note: there's no need to slipstream IE7 first, this works fine without it. Also, I highly recommend that you slipstream XP SP3 (Service Pack 3) first. I'm not sure if this works with the x64 version of XP, maybe someone who knows can post a comment.
  3. Here's the link: http://www.winaddons.com/internet-explorer-80/
  4. Here's the link: http://www.winaddons.com/internet-explorer-80/ Edit: Wow, looks like someone beat me to it by 1 minute
  5. I know Microsoft has said they support slipstreaming IE8 into Vista, but how do I do this? Does anyone know of an easy way? Thanks in advance.
  6. I want to do this with the final version of IE 8 in Win XP x86. Will this work with the final? Obviously I'd have to change the file names in the .bat.
  7. Yes, I hope then next version of vLite will let us slipstream Vista SP2 and IE8.
  8. I know all of us are excited about the upcoming xpize 5 release, but what will be new? I guess all I know of is that its being re-written in a new code base (C#). What else is new? Maybe someone in the know can release some juicy details to keep us excited. Thanks in advance.
  9. Well, it worked! The built-in wallpapers are gone and my new, high-res ones are in their place - with one exception: it didn't remove the default Bliss wallpaper. I suppose this is so you'll still have a default wallpaper. Does anyone know what the correct way to replace this one would be? Can I take one of my own wallpapers, compress it as a cab, save it as BLISS.JP_ and replace the one in the I386 folder? Does anyone know if this would work? Thanks in advance.
  10. O.K, thanks. I'll try it with this setting enabled and post whether or not it works.
  11. I want to remove all the built-in desktop backgrounds (both bmp and jpg) and replace them with my own using the $OEM$... method. I found an option in remove components called "Images and Backgrounds" that seems to be what I'm looking for. However, when I hover my mouse over the option, it says "Wallpapers and game controller images". Does this mean there won't be any images for game controllers? I want to know what this means. Also, will wallpapers integrated using the $OEM$ method show up in desktop properties after checking this option? Thanks in advance.
  12. If you were able to do this, wouldn't it be possible for nlite to maybe do the same thing automatically when you insert IE 8 as a hotfix?
  13. I don't know if it will work for you. Many people (myself included) have had issues with the product key not working after slipstreaming from Vista.
  14. see below post
  15. It would be really nice if you could change the default theme (to something like luna element with modified login screen) when making an xpised iso. Will you be able to do this with xpise 5? Thanks in advance.
  16. http://www.askvg.com/download-sevenvg-refr...for-windows-xp/
  17. Can HFSLIP be used to slipstream IE8 beta 2? Thanks in advance.
  18. TedJBrown

    CD-Key error

    I used nLite to slipstream SP3, IE 7, and WMP 11 into Windows XP Home Edition. The host PC is Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 x64. I'm testing the iso in VirtualBox 2.1. Even after running nLite as administrator and in Windows XP Sp2 compatibility mode, the product key isn't accepted during setup. I haven't tried to nLite the source more than once. The source CD is a retail copy of XP Home Edition 2002 edition with SP1 integrated. My product key IS valid. I don't want to have to install XP first and then slipstream from that. Last_Session.ini
  19. What all can be slipstreamed with nLite? Can you slipstream Directx updates like you can with HFSLIP? Thanks
  20. I am having this exact same problem too. I installed nLite on my Vista x64 PC and slipstreamed SP3, IE7, and WMP 11 into my copy of XP Home Edition. I didn't try to install any drivers or remove components, but when I try to install the slipstreamed copy of XP, it tells me that the CD key is invalid. Finally, I used HFSLIP, and that worked fine (although it is much harder to use).
  21. There is a similar tool for Vista called vLite.
  22. Hi everyone, I slipstreamed XP SP3, WMP 11, IE7, and all the rest of the updates in the June list. After installing XP from the new disk I made, there is a HFSLIP entry under Add/Remove programs in the control panel. What is this for, and is it safe to delete? Thanks.
  23. I tried to use nLite to slipstream Sp3, IE 7, and WMP 11 into Windows XP Home Edition Sp1 upgrade. The host is Windows Vista Home Premium Sp1 x64. Even after running nLite as administrator and in Windows XP Sp2 compatibility mode, the product key isn't accepted during setup. Is this because of the host being Vista, the fact that I'm using a x64 operating system, or a problem with the Windows XP Sp1 upgrade disk that I'm starting with? Is there a workaround besides using a Windows XP host? Thanks in advance.
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