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Everything posted by Tehdead

  1. Ok it seems I should have give more detail about my project my origanal fear was once I said that the picture was a CAPTCHA that some one would scream "Cracker" which seemed to have happened. I've made a AIM client for a school project and wanted to make a "Create Screen Name" extension were are person could skip all the hassle of going to the site. I made it quick and easy cutting out the retyping password and things like that. What I want to do is grab the CAPTCHA picture and load it into a picturebox so that the person could type in the information. Then there would be no need for the webbrowser to be seen speeding up the process further. Now I've gotten everthing else working as far as filling the inputs for your screen name, password, ect. but I still haven't figured out just how to grab it. Is there away to copy the image bit by bit while its being loaded via the webbrowser control. Or does anyone have a method that could be combined with a webbrowser control because in the end I still need the webbrowser control to submit the reset of the information. Side note* just like to thank the moderators for allowing me to explain my situation.
  2. Trying? The picture doesn't get displayed from nowhere. The URL to the image *must* be in the markup or the browser couldn't get it in order to display it. Yes, it might be deleted (or the URL to it invalid) after one download, but it would work for sure. It's not magic... Pretty trivial really. No need for any browser controls for this, just basic understanding of HTTP & HTML. I suppose I should just tell you that the "picture" is a CAPTCHA which gets created dynamically and then once said page is loaded. Then the CAPTCHA gets deleted so the url leading to the CAPTCHA is invalid. This is why when you refresh a page with a CAPTCHA on it you get a new CAPTCHA because the other one doesn't exist anymore. Seeing as everything packet wise is encrypted I can't see any way around not using a webbrowser control.
  3. Thanks for trying to help but has I said before once the "picture" is loaded on to the clients screen the picture is deleted from the servers database so even with the full url to download it with it will not exist.
  4. While it sounds to me you want to make a login password cracker. What you need to login to a website is the proper login packet once you have that just use a winsocket to send the packet out and then parse the packet that gets returned to you to see if your logged in
  5. Hey guys I was hoping someone on here could help me out. I've never really messed with the webbrowser control but I was wondering if there was away to copy an image as its being loaded on a web page and save it to a local location. I can't use the url of the image becuase once the image is produce on the screen it gets deleted from the database. I don't want to insult anyone's intelligents and assume you know what I mean just wanted to make sure that wasn't a variable. Anyway thanks again in advance for your help Tehdead
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