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Everything posted by eurydice

  1. Thnx, I'm going to try this in the new version. I've now fixed it via a (what I think) a really dirty script. This copy's the regkey to the %systemdrive% and then runs it, after this, the key is removed again. But as told earlier, I'm going to try above in the new version. Thnx!
  2. Did you used an normal installation cd for the file import? if not, please do, so you are sure that the files are complete. For a complete checklist for the cd/dvd i'm not aware of a tool.
  3. Hi All, I'm currently creating an unattended installation for windows XP. After the installation the RunOnce runs a few programs that adds some addons for our company. To run the RunOnce the autlogon is turned on, but after the addons are installed the autologon should be removed. I've tried multiple solutions, but none of them work. So I'm going to post my files here, in the hope that some of you could give me a assit. AutomaticUpdates="No" Autopartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=DefaultHide UnattendSwitch="Yes" OemPreinstall=Yes OemSkipEula=Yes FileSystem=* WaitForReboot="No" NoWaitAfterTextMode=1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1 NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore Repartition=No DriverSigningPolicy="Ignore" OemPnPDriversPath="a lot of drivers" [DiskConfig] Size1="5000" FileSystem1=NTFS PartitionType1="Primary" Quickformat1="Yes" Size2="5000" FileSystem1=NTFS [Display] Xresolution=1024 Yresolution=768 BitsPerPel=32 Vrefresh=60 [SystemRestore] DisableSR=1 CreateFirstRunRp=0 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword="*********" TimeZone=110 OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 AutoLogonCount=1 [UserData] ProductKey="12345-12345-12345-12345-12345" FullName="BCD Travel NL" OrgName="SAMPLE" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 SystemLocale="0409" UserLocale="0413" UserLocale_DefaultUser="0413" InputLocale="0409:00000409" InputLocale_DefaultUser="0409:00000409" Language=00000409 [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="No" [WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 [Identification] JoinDomain="*********" DomainAdmin=******** DomainAdminPassword=******** [TapiLocation] CountryCode=31 [SetupParams] UserExecute="WScript.exe %systemroot%\konten.js" [Components] freecell=off hearts=off minesweeper=off msnexplr=off pinball=off solitaire=off spider=off msmsgs=off [GuiRunOnce] wucdcreator="wscript.exe %systemroot%\RunOnceEx.js" [NetProtocols] MS_TCPIP=params.MS_TCPIP [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] InfID="*" [params.MS_TCPIP] AdapterSections=params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1 [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] SpecificTo=Adapter1 DHCP=YES DNSServerSearchOrder= WINS=no NetBIOSOptions=0 //003 var soft = new Array(); var key = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx\\"; var runonceex_js = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\RunOnceEx.js"; var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); var n = 0; soft.title = "Set Up Software"; soft.insertNextMedium = "Please insert next disk with {soft}"; soft.rebootMessage = "Clean & Reboot"; soft.startReboot = "reboot.exe /t 60 /m \"{message}\" /r {runat}"; soft[n] = new Array(); soft[n].name = "Format"; soft[n].checkPoint = "Software\\Format"; soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Software\\Format\\FormatD.bat\""; n++; soft[n] = new Array(); soft[n].name = "ADDONS"; soft[n].checkPoint = "Software\\ADDONS"; soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Software\\ADDONS\\ADDONS.exe\""; n++; soft[n] = new Array(); soft[n].name = "JoinDomain"; soft[n].checkPoint = "Software\\JoinDomain"; soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Software\\JoinDomain\\Joindomain.bat\""; n++; soft[n] = new Array(); soft[n].name = "RemoveAutoLogin"; soft[n].checkPoint = "Software\\RemoveAutoLogin"; soft[n][0] = "\"%CDROM%\\Software\\RemoveAutoLogin\\RemoveAUTOLOGIN.bat\""; n++; soft[n] = new Array(); soft[n].name = "-= REBOOT =-"; soft[n].checkPoint = ""; n++; soft.startReboot = soft.startReboot.replace("{message}", soft.rebootMessage); //soft.insertNextMedium = soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ); function FindDriveLetter( dir ) { var e = new Enumerator( fso.Drives ); var x; var letters = new Array(); var path; for( ; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext() ) { x = e.item(); if( x.DriveType == 3 || x.IsReady ) { letters = letters.concat( x.DriveLetter ); } } if( dir.length == 0) { return letters[0] + ":"; } for( i = 0; i < letters.length; i++ ) { if(dir.substr(0, 2) != "\\\\") path = letters[i] + ":\\" + dir; if( fso.FolderExists( path ) || fso.FileExists( path ) ) { return letters[i] + ":"; } } return ""; } function GetFilledString( zahl, fillChar, num_of_digits ) { var filledStr = zahl.toString(); while( filledStr.length < num_of_digits ) { filledStr = fillChar + filledStr; } return filledStr; } function RunOnceEx(index) { WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE", soft.title, "REG_SZ" ); var netzwerk_install; for( a = index; a < soft.length; a++ ) { if( soft[a].name == "-= REBOOT =-" ) { WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString(a, "0", 3) + "\\", soft.rebootMessage, "REG_SZ" ); WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE", soft.title + " " + (index+1).toString() + " - " + (a+1).toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(), "REG_SZ" ); WshShell.Run( "rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true ); soft.startReboot = soft.startReboot.replace("{runat}", (a + 1).toString()); WshShell.Run( soft.startReboot ); return ++a; } else { soft[a].drive = ""; if( soft[a].checkPoint.substr(0, 2) != "\\\\") { soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint ); netzwerk_install = 0; } else netzwerk_install = 1; if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 ) { WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE", soft.title + " " + (index+1).toString() + " - " + a.toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(), "REG_SZ" ); WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true); soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint ); } if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 ) { WshShell.Popup( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ), 60, "", 64 ); soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint ); } if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 ) { WshShell.Popup( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ), 60, "", 64 ); soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint ); } if( soft[a].drive.length == 0 && netzwerk_install == 0 ) { WScript.Echo( soft.insertNextMedium.replace( "{soft}", soft[a].name ) ); soft[a].drive = FindDriveLetter( soft[a].checkPoint ); index = a+1; } if(soft[a].drive.length || netzwerk_install == 1 ) { WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString(a, "0", 3) + "\\", soft[a].name, "REG_SZ" ); for(b = 0; b < soft[a].length; b++) { if( netzwerk_install == 0 ) soft[a][b] = soft[a][b].replace( "%CDROM%", soft[a].drive ); else soft[a][b] = soft[a][b].replace( "%CDROM%", "" ); WshShell.RegWrite( key + GetFilledString( a, "0", 3 ) + "\\" + GetFilledString( b, "0", 2 ), soft[a][b], "REG_SZ" ); } } } } if( index > 0 && index < soft.length ) { WshShell.RegWrite( key + "TITLE", soft.title + " " + ( index + 1 ).toString() + " - " + soft.length.toString() + " / " + soft.length.toString(), "REG_SZ" ); } if( index < soft.length ) { WshShell.Run( "rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 1, true ); } return soft.length; } function main() { //var namedArgs = WScript.Arguments.Named; //var nextaction = WshShell.RegRead( runonceex_js + "\\" ); var startAt = 0; //var wait_sek = 0; var WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment( "SYSTEM" ); var driversDir = WshSysEnv( "systemdrive" ); driversDir += "\\Drivers"; try { startAt = WshShell.RegRead( runonceex_js + "\\runat" ); WshShell.RegDelete( runonceex_js + "\\runat" ); } catch(e){} if( RunOnceEx( startAt ) == soft.length ) { if( fso.FolderExists( driversDir ) ) { fso.DeleteFolder( driversDir, true ); } try { WshShell.RegDelete( runonceex_js ); } catch(e){} } } main(); @ECHO OFF REM ##################### REM # Script created by Yves van Elk # REM # BCD Travel Netherlands # REM ##################### REM This script removes the autologon, this is not nessesary anymore. REGEDIT /S AutoLogon.reg [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "AutoRestartShell"=dword:00000001 "DefaultDomainName"="*****" "DefaultUserName"="******" "LegalNoticeCaption"="" "LegalNoticeText"="" "PowerdownAfterShutdown"="0" "ReportBootOk"="1" "Shell"="Explorer.exe" "ShutdownWithoutLogon"="0" "System"="" "Userinit"="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\userinit.exe," "VmApplet"="rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL \"sysdm.cpl\"" "SfcQuota"=dword:ffffffff "allocatecdroms"="0" "allocatedasd"="0" "allocatefloppies"="0" "cachedlogonscount"="10" "forceunlocklogon"=dword:00000000 "passwordexpirywarning"=dword:0000000e "scremoveoption"="0" "DisableCAD"=dword:00000000 "AllowMultipleTSSessions"=dword:00000000 "UIHost"=hex(2):6c,00,6f,00,67,00,6f,00,6e,00,75,00,69,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,\ 00,00,00 "DebugServerCommand"="no" "DefaultPassword"="*******" "AutoAdminLogon"="0" "SFCDisable"=dword:00000000 "WinStationsDisabled"="0" "LogonType"=dword:00000000 "HibernationPreviouslyEnabled"=dword:00000001 "CachePrimaryDomain"="****" "DCacheUpdate"=hex:5e,a0,33,7b,18,2a,c9,01 "ShowLogonOptions"=dword:00000000 "AltDefaultUserName"="*****" "AltDefaultDomainName"="*****" If you guys need some more files please let me know. I'm kind of lost now...
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