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About Russell339

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  1. SO I have been fighting this problem for a couple of weeks now and I cannot seem to find a resolution. I was hoping maybe one of you guys had experienced it and might be able to provide some insight. So here it goes ---- In my organization, I have two types of images. A "base" image and then a second specialized image. The specialized image is built from the base image. My problem is this. For some reason, this go around, after I sysprep the specialized image, it will not join the domain. I have checked the log files and it seems that it cannot locate the domain which doesnt make any sense. Now, to make this more confusing, if I simply sysprep my base image, *poof* it joins the domain fine. So you would think it was some piece of software that I added right? Wrong. It isnt. I have installed all apps piece by piece and that second image simply will not join the domain. I got around by just bypassing the normal sysprep domain join and then use netdom to join after the first auto logon. Have any of you ever experienced anything like this though? I would love to know how to resolve the problem.
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