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Posts posted by johnmallan

  1. As everyone else has said you need the correct cd to go with your cd-key.

    But i dont think you have grasped the fact there is three sub-versions the two main versions of XP, Home and Pro. The three subversions are Retail, OEM and Volume(corp). These three subversions require seperate keys alone.

    Eg You could have a copy of Home and a Home Cd-key, the cd is a retail cd, and the key is an VOL key, that kind of combonation will not work. This is what i think Allanol and Tsunami was trying to tell you.

    EDIT: This may be of some help but bare in mind it, altering the setupp.ini violates the EULA

  2. Got the same as you eagle,

    Simmer down, sailor

    Yes, loud musical ring tones can be a little over the top, and Clippy's been driving people to distraction for a decade or more. But you need to take it down a notch if you're going to survive in a tech-filled world. Random beeping, cutesy software, and security pop-ups are just part of our universe now, and you should probably learn to count to 10 and deal. Unless it's IM noises from across the room. That's a firing offense.

    i just hate those [FRENCH WORDS] musical ringtones, especially when neds delibrately set them off or not turn their phones off in class.

    Thank [FRENCH WORDS] theres no neds in computing.

  3. how did you slipstream it?

    Did you use nLite or did you manually do it.

    If you manually did it try using nLite (the latest version) to do it and to create the .ISO image and then burn or test in VM Ware or Virtual PC.

    If that doesnt work either try using the unhacked files.

  4. The problem im having with my SVCPACK.INF is that none of the updates install from there. I cant see where im going wrong.

    Signature="$Windows NT$"



    Q814078.exe /Q:A /R:N
    Q810693.exe /Q:A /R:N
    Q817778.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q823182.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q824105.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q824141.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q825119.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q826939.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q828026.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q828035.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q828741.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q831167.exe /Q:A /R:N
    832894.exe /Q:A /R:N
    Q835732.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q837001.exe /U /O /N /Z
    Q837009.exe /Q:A /R:N
    Q840374.exe /U /O /N /Z

    My other problem is with the [GUIRUNONCE] in WINNT.SIF as the batch files to install all my programs doesnt run on the account John but the Administrator account, but at the same time it auto logs on to the account John, aswell as that the account John is a limited account when it should be an Admin account.





       FullName="John Mallan"











    net user John ******* /add
    net localgroup Administrators John /add
    net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
    REGEDIT /S autologon.reg


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

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