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Posts posted by starcraftmaster

  1. hey tryed 96 x 96 and all is fine BUT when i click on my start menu and all the things come up its all small very small how do i fix

    and mabye some should try to make a fix so we can get 128 x 128 or even 256 x 256 icons

  2. but when i do the reg thing which is

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

    "Shell Icon Size"="32" and change to 128

    no icons at all are seen all the icons are gone the ones on the tool bar and the my computer and program icons are gone. all is left is just the writing

  3. is there a way to get the icons on windows me nice and big like windows vista

    i know how to make then 128x128 which is good but there bad quality

    so is there a way to make windows me render its icons like windows vista so they look big and nice looking

  4. hey i got a duoble context menu

    i know its not the registy becasue i started in safe and its still there

    and it must be a system file becasue i did a repair install of windows me and it fixed it but it made more probloms so i had to uninstall it to the before the repair install

    look at this its a picture of it


    and any one think guild wars will work on 192mb of sd ram, geforce 4 mx 440 se pci 64mb , 766 mhz cpu , basic sound card on board

    this is the system requirements for guild war


  5. puting hardware acceleration down may do some thing and if u can get to it look what it says in device mananger

    would have said go to dxdaig but ur in safe mode so never mind

    may be conflick with some other hard ware

    and try Turning all start up items off

    plus mabye scaning for spyware or some thing wouold be good becasue some like this dont happen for no reson

  6. i dont thibk i need this its just windows not letting me on the internet i just need to find out was causing this: program has caused a error in <unkwown>

    and when i try to install the drivers for the modem: motorola has casued a error in <unkwon> and some times :motorola has casued a error in <rundll32.dll>(cant remember if its run32.dll or rundll32.dll)

  7. its a usb modem

    i have been on the mircosoft web site and got all the updates from the update thing in internet expleror

    but am not sure if a repair install takes the updates away

    and my av and fire wall anit up when am trying to install the drivers

    whats a tcp/ip

    oh ya and under system devices in device manager theres a yellow ! next to plug and

    play bois extension and i go into it and it says : the NTKERN.VXD device loader(s)

    for this device could not load the device driver (Code 2) and says update the drivers

    but i click update and it cant find any drivers for it. i remeber it being there

    a long time before this so its not a new device i think it dont tell me what plug

    and play bois extention it is so i wouldent know where to get the drivers for it


  8. well battle fleid may be good but i never seen a good game that was made by EA or owned by EA lol well fifa 2000 wasint bad. ign.com says battle fleid is good

    and i got unreal good game but cant play online interent not working on my computer trying to fix it but its really stuffed

  9. hey is there a game that looks really RREALLY good but works on low end systems like far cry that looked good but wont work on my old computer but unlike star war jedi out cast looked great it worked on low end systems. so some thing good like jedi knight jedi out cast some to do with space or a shooter em up would be good but any game thats good will do and looks good

    which has 192mb of sd ram, geforce 64mb pci crap sound card and 766mhz cpu

    and is there any way to make star wars battle front 1 work

    i tryed it but it way to slow

  10. well my interent wont work i tryed reinstalling the drivers for my modem but still no luck

    when i go on a internet type program it will say the program has caused a error in <unkwown>

    and when i try to reinstall the drivers for the modem it says motorola has casued a error in <unkwon>

    my modem is a motorola SB5101 SURFboard cable modem

  11. hey is there a program that will tell you whats slowing a game down for e.g. the sound

    card is slowing the game down becasue its crap is there a program that will tell

    me this

    and please tell me any other usefull programs for games

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