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Everything posted by hvm69

  1. Hi, I've been looking around for a solution and I found that doing some tricks you can get a silent installation of CorelDraw X4, here is what I found: 1.) Firts, you have nothing to do with the single installer EXE file, if you already have the CD, the files are already decompressed, so, you can skip this step, you must decompress the exe file first, how this is done?: just start the installation, and when you are in the EULA acceptance dialog box, DO NOT PRESS any key, look now inside your TEMP for a folder with 32 hexadecimal characteres, inside it you'll find a folder anothe long-name folder and inside this, a folder named "CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 Setup Files", this is the decompressed folder, all you have to do is to copy the entire folder to another directory like "C:\CDX4". NOW you can CANCEL the installation. the folders will be automatically deleted. 2.) The installation folder contains SETUP.EXE and inside the CG14 folder there are many .msi files, jusk check that "setup.msi" is there. 3.) Now all you have to do is to use (download and install if you already don't have it) Orca (it is a Windows installer package, a freeware utility). Start orca, open "setup.msi" file (which is inside the CG14 folder), and check for the following keys: Table: CheckBox: you can check (value=0) or uncheck(value=1) some values here: just "AgreeToLicense=Yes, As you will see, ORCA will give you some control for what will be installed or not. 4.) After finishing ORCA, just save the new setup.msi file. 5.) Now go up one folder and you'll find a file called "setup.xml", use notepad (or your best text editor) and edit the entry: property name="SERIALNUMBER" value=""... just fill it with your valid Serial Number (otherwise you can get a "non valid serial number" error during installation). 5.) Now in the same directory where setup.exe is, just add (with notepad) a single text file with the following line: @setup.exe /qb! and save it as "setup.cmd" This will give you an almost silent installation (all you will see is a small progress bar with the installation). note: parameters after setup.exe: /qn => no progress window /qb! => only Progress bar /qb => progress bar with "cancel" option /qr => progress bar with notification window. If you want to make it as a unique file, all you have to do is compress all of these files using the "autoextract" option with start.cmd as the file to be executed after all of the decompression process has been completed (here you can use either winrar, winzip or 7Z compression utilities). I hope that this will help you.
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