hi all im relatively new to nlite. ive tried now for one week to make it working. but it still doesnt. i would be really happy if someone could help me! first, here's my ini: the windows setup stops by 13 minutes, windows is "registering components" at this moment. i think it has something to do with the integration of my programs. do i have to move my installation files of the programs directly into the windows instllation folder (for example $OEM$) before burning? as you can see under [Hotfixes], the partition is d:. does nlite already copy the hole programs into the nlite installation, or do i have to copy them from d: to the nlite (or windows) directory myself? same thing with the drivers. i put only the *.ini files of the drivers into nlite. i dont know if it copies the installation files to the directory itself. you see, im a big noob to this. but anyway, i hope you can help me! regards mike