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Posts posted by neowillendit

  1. http://win2k3.msfn.org/

    The themes xtra section has your answer.


    Thank you for providing me with this info and sorry it took so long to get back to you on this, but it isn't quite what I'm looking for...

    "When I have a serious windows error (but not the BSOD)", "replace those "Classic Theme" files"...

    Thank you for your help thus far and thank you anyone in advance. :hello:

  2. Fellow MSFN Brothers, :hello:

    When I have a serious windows error (but not the BSOD), Windows XP reverts to show me an error dialogue box in the classic theme (which is absolutely normal, I know) but I'm wondering if there is a way replace those "Classic Theme" files so that I never have to see the Classic Theme again, and I can instead see my own "Custom Theme"?

    Any help on this would be appreciated as always. Thank you. :thumbup

  3. I must agree with "lynbor" here, UltimateDefrag has shown promise for a good year now, but only recently has it actually been bug-free enough to depend on to do an outstanding job, but as of it's latest releases, such as version it is proven to be the best defragmenter I've ever used IMHO. I am EXTREMELY O.C.D. about my computer and it has really proven itself to me!! It has no services in the background, I enjoy the new approach to their GUI, it has a very small install, and it has a PLETHORA of options that allows for absolutely complete control of your filesystem.

    I recommend you set it up for File/Folder placement as it will really kicks your games and applictions into overdrive. One drawback is that it has no boot-time defragger, so after every manual defrag you do, just throw "defrag -b c:" into the Start Menu\Run Dialog.

    http://disktrix.com/UDIntroduction.htm :hello:

  4. I MUST recommend BitDefender's Rescue CD as I've not had a SINGLE problem with it. I tried Avira's AntiVir Rescue CD and it wouldn't even detect my Dual SATA RAID 0 Array to scan them!! Kaspersky's Rescue CD only works when you use their AntiVirus product, installed and registered...and F-Secure just isn't reputable/consistent enough in tests to trust...


    My XP SP3 installation uses NOD32, and with BitDefender's occasional boot-time scan, I feel very well protected!!

    "Rapture reminds us, we make our own choices, but in the end...our choices make us!!" I trust you'll do what's in your heart...don't just take it from me... :hello:

  5. Hey fellow MSFN Brothers :hello:

    I've had a persistent problem with FineCrypt v.10.1 (latest version) on my Windows XP SP3 (fully patched) laptop. I get random windows errors when I try to encrypt files into a FineCrypt Archive File (.fca). I'm attaching the Dr. Watson Log and my user.dmp files on here inside of a WinRAR file (FineCrypt Error.rar) and I would be SO appreciative if someone could tell me how to band-aid this problem (as I've contacted the maker and they don't care because apparently I'm the only one this happens too).

    Anyways, would someone kindly look these files over and tell me what exactly is happening here and suggest a possible fix?

    Thank you all in advance. :hello:


  6. Also, a process could be "hooking" into that particular folder, and a process doing that won't let you do anything with it.

    I recommend a program called Unlocker. It's version 1.8.7 and it's rock-solid. All you do is right-click the folder or file that is being used i some way, select "Unlocker" on the context menu, look in the list that pops up for the process thats holding the files or folder, and select "Unlock". As soon as it is "unlocked", you can do whatever you want.

    This would not work if the file is accessed at the driver level.

    Quite right Ascii2,

    Although I don't suspect that to be the problem as the folder he's trying to manipulate is under a "Samsung" folder...meaning some kind of software from Samsung is likely causing this problem.

  7. Also, a process could be "hooking" into that particular folder, and a process doing that won't let you do anything with it.

    I recommend a program called Unlocker. It's version 1.8.7 and it's rock-solid. All you do is right-click the folder or file that is being used i some way, select "Unlocker" on the context menu, look in the list that pops up for the process thats holding the files or folder, and select "Unlock". As soon as it is "unlocked", you can do whatever you want.

    Hope that helps.

  8. Hey lordsepid,

    I'm not an expert, so I've waited til now to post this, because no one else has posted anything...but it could be VERY likely that your nLite XP Install could have been corrupted. It's even more likely that the order in which software installs through your personalized nLite XP install could corrupt one another as it's being set up.

    You say that you have all these programs setup through nLite to install automatically, but in the past in my experiences with nLite have been all bad with corrupt installs, missings random windows components that I didn't select to remove, and just crazy things happening in windows after the install. After all the headaches, I decided to never use that stuff...besides...why do you think there are SO MANY revisions of nLite? It's because of all the fixes they need to make in order to cure all the problems I had in the past!!

    Just a thought from an advanced computer user, although also from a person who doesn't know if this experience of mine has helped you at all.

    Take care fellow XP Brother...

  9. In re-reading your last post cluberti, did you read my whole post from 1am CST this morning and verify the error dumps, that the dll being unloaded was the same problem as before, (or did you only notice that the .dll was still there and stop reading the dump to tell me)?

    I hope I don't sound like I'm questioning you, I would just like to make sure...as always, I appreciate your time and knowledge, and it means a lot to me that you care about us (and our computers). :hello:

  10. Horrible news cluberti, :no:

    I had my laptop up for five and a half hours straight tonight (the longest amount of time in a VERY long time), had disabled Spy Sweeper's Context Menu (so that SCCXTMNU.DLL wouldn't load), and as soon as I click a link to a website inside of EVEREST Ultimate and Internet Explorer opened...I got the explorer.exe error again...Offset: 03a95b90

    All I had done within that five and a half hours is listen to MP3s with WMP v.10, play Assassin's Creed, do a lot right-clicking to organize some files and folders, then lastly open EVEREST Ultimate and then...the error. :(

    Would you be so kind as to take a quick look through this user.dmp, minidump.dmp and drwtsn32.log I've archived into a RAR file and posted to RapidShare? This would only be to see if it's the same exact problem as before. I was still trying to get Windows Defender and the definitions package downloaded and installed before I uninstalled Spy Sweeper...so that's why you're going to see that low-down SCCXTMNU.DLL loaded in memory that I didn't know still loaded (I read the Dr. Watson Log to find it).


    Anyway's, thank you again SO much...and have a good night!! ;)

  11. Do you say that you have no issues with Windows Defender because you have very safe and limited internet practices? I ask because even though I do, have very safe and restrictive internet practices, I want something that can stand up to something unsafe (should I stray from my trusted sites and into the realm of darkness...:P).

    Thank you again cluberti!! B)

  12. Hey cluberti, :thumbup

    Still can't replicate my problem in order to get any other dump files for you to very graciously and kindly look over, but I'm wondering...would you please recommend an alternate to Spy Sweeper? I need something with active protection, very effective and very seamless (very un-intrusive), that works with NOD32 v.3 and Outpost Firewall Pro.

    I've scoured for two days now, and found SUPERAntiSpyware and it doesn't look very reputable...CounterSpy looks promising but I think it could be overkill...Windows Defender seems weak on definitions and it hasn't had a source engine update since May 2007...and the only other big AntiSpyware Software I can think of is Ad-Aware SE and people say it takes over your system...I'm lost once again...would you offer your opinion?

    Thank you in advance!! :hello:

  13. Hi again cluberti!! :thumbup

    Well, ever since I installed the Debugging Tools for Windows, no matter WHAT I do, I can't get the error again...I used to get it within every half hour of being on...I SHOULD be happy...but I've had the error SO LONG that I got used to it before I asked for help. I've clean-installed XP many times and always has the error each time...so I'm quite certain that I'll have the problem next time I re-install...this sucks SO bad but I wanted to sat that I appreciate your help for now.

    Thank you again cluberti... :hello:

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