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About Mr_ViRuZ

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  1. thats both illegal and unfair to other ppl, fair enough hacking you friends PCs but hacking a UNI PC will get you either thrown out, prosecuted or both. Im not gonna try to stop you just be carefull what you do as it would be stupid to go to UNI then get thrown out with a cybercrime entry on your new criminal record
  2. k explain this, after numerous things went poof, i decided to reinstall XP on a clean format, installed my sp1 streamed copy (aint got around to streaming sp2 yet) then applied sp2, and gues what?? yep, my pics vanished from desktop wallpaper list again. wonder if something in SP2 borks it (wouldnt suprise me tbh)
  3. heh yeah, whats weird tho is it should be tied to the registery somehow. maybe if the dude who wants to disable searches his hives and looks for 'My Pictures' and jots down where he finds it, we could compare ours with his findings?
  4. well to be honest i only noticed it last night, god knows how long its been like that
  5. sorry to dig up an old post but this is exactly what happened to me last night. Dunno how or why but all the images in my picutes have vanished from wallpapers list (but stay in when manually browsed too). any ideas why?
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