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Everything posted by W C K

  1. WinXPProSP3,Office Basic 2003,Acrobat Std 6.0.6 At some point my Word toolbar became cluttered with "Acrobat Comments Acrobat Comments Acrobat Comments" (7 times) then "Acrobat Comments Adobe PDF Acrobat Comments Adobe PDF Acrobat Comments Adobe PDF" (11 times". This appears in plain text and begins after the last MS Command on the tool bar and takes three full screen lines on the toolbar. Word seems to work just fine, but the clutter is distracting. I would appreciate it if anyone who knows a solution would share it with me. I have reinstalled Office, Acrobat, and disabled PDF Maker for Word, Excel, & Outlook. Don't use Outlook and my Excel tool bar does not have the problem. Screen shot .pdf attached. Thanks Word_toolbar.pdf
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