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Everything posted by Raysy

  1. How about supporting also SitX of StuffIt? The format can compress a JPEG to 75 % of the original size, and you can use the StuffIt Expander without installation (two files: ShebangIntf.dll and SitExpander.exe, about 2 MB as a RAR-archive). You could cut down STIX_D.exe and stuffit5.engine-5.1.dll from the bin folder (333kb compressed). Edit: StuffItX-format is different from the traditional StuffIt. The image compression uses a trick similar to the zipx-format of WinZip. The latest StuffIt Expander download is 10 MB large and the application ist too intrusive for my mind.
  2. Hello, I want to in-place upgrade from a Vista with slipstreamed SP1 to Win7. I installed about a hundred apps and it runs stable, so I do not want to reinstall them on a fresh Win7. It would cost me so much time to set all the options and settings of the apps again. I’m not planning to vlite Win7 again because of this problem, so I would be happy with a plain non-vlite Win7 installation. I know many oppose in-place upgrades because they think it would not be stable, but at least I want to give it a try (and keep a disk image of a working Vista for the case)! The Windows 7 setup tells me, that my Vista can not be upgraded to Win7. My guessing is that it does not find the SP1, which is necessary for the upgrade. I did not find it in "Installed software"-menu of Vista either. How can I mock the Win7-Setup that SP1 is installed with slipstreamed Vista? The forum search did not return with something useful. Regards, Michael Edit: SP1 is necessary for a in-place upgrade to Win7.
  3. I have a PC (Fujitsu-Siemens) with a preinstalled Windows Vista Home Premium x86 and 3 Recovery-DVDs that only format the whole harddisk and install all the trial-software crap with windows. I managed to copy the FACTORY.WIM from my WinRe-partition to my system partion and mount it with ImageX from WAIK. vLite 1.2 beta accepted it and created an ISO (I changed nothing, to be on the safe side). I burned the iso with Nero 7. But I can't properly install vista, because the vista setup states: "Windows cannot find necessary files. Errorcode: 0x800703E6" and failes. I read that it could be related to my DVD-Burner (TSST TS-H653B,firmware FS01), but I'm not sure about it. At least, this errorcode is the reason, why vista installation fails with Samsung SM-308B or SN-308B DVD drive. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/930984/en-us (Samsung and Toshiba founded TSST). Of course, FACTORY.WIM could be the reason, too. Has somebody ever sucessfully managed to vlite a FACTORY.WIM? Regards, Michael
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