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Iskander Novena

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  1. Hi Dragonsys, Unfortunately, that is not the issue. The 'code' I gave is the code I type in GUI. I know that in config.js the backslashes are double.. Thanks for replying, though...
  2. Thanks, but so far it doesn't trigger either way... I'm not home the next couple of weeks, so I'll check when I get back... I'll report back here, then...
  3. Only in this forum, not in the config.js... Does the fact that I'm using Vista x64 Ultimate make a difference?
  4. in the config.js the single slashes are double slashes, so that's not the problem (sorry, I use the wpi.hta to define my config, hence the single slashes...) So that's not the issue.
  5. I know, but however I set it, it does not trigger. I know the value is Organisation, but when I set the condition to check for RegKeyValue("HKLM\...\Organisation") == "Organisation" and thus only show the option if this condition is true, the program does not list. When I set this exact same thing to gcond, it does not get grayed out. I absolutely know that I'm checking for the value that is in the registry on the machine I test it on, but can't get it to work....
  6. I've got a problem with the RegKeyValue-option in either Condition or Greyedout Condition. I use the following: RegKeyValue("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization")=="Organisation" Where, in my registry, my registered organisation is the value that is checked against. However, either when in Condition or Greyedout Condition, this does not trigger! Also tried with the full root (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) but that does not make any difference...
  7. OK, the getOSlang is (still) a problem. mritter had posted a patch previously which I overlooked, where on line 465 'cond' had been changed to 'cond[j]' which solves the error on line 465 for me...
  8. EDIT: Deleted, since it was compeltely posted in the wrong thread... That's what you get with multiple tabs open in the same forum and different threads....
  9. I just downloaded WPI and am trying to set it up.. Although trying is not so much the case as it's pretty much just setting it up.. I get the same error as mentioned earlier about excludorIsChecked. It happens with me for an app that I have set a language-condition for. When I remove that condition, no error pops up. Also, I cannot find the getOSlang-function in ANY of the WPIScripts... Is this part of the code-REDUCTION mentioned in the changelist? EDIT: Sorry, got posted as a reply to the wrong thread.... Nonetheless, the absence of getOSlang is an issue. I've added it manually to the end of core.js (as suggested in previous posts) and now at least that works, but still an error.
  10. Don't know if anybody still follows this thread or has alerts set or something.. You all use "NET USE * <SHARE> /USER:<user>" or "NET USE <SHARE> <DRIVELETTER> /USER:<user>" and do stuff to figure out what driveletter was used... Did you know: when you use "NET USE <SHARE> /USER:<USER>" you don't get a drive-letter assigned for that UNC, but you CAN access it using the UNC-path? So suppose I have a UNC which I have to have specific credentials for that's named \\Server\WPI. I could easily connect to that in the following way: NET USE \\Server\WPI /USER:install install <do stuff> NET USE \\Server\WPI /delete This way, I connect to the UNC with user install and password install, do some stuff and then disconnect again....
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