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Everything posted by @xie

  1. Hi there. After some researches on the web, and by myself, I achieved what I was aiming at. Customing a digitally signed files in I383 folder When I tried to replace original WINLOGON.EX_ by the modified one, Every time copying error were prompting during the XP dos-setup ( unable to copy this files!) I believe XP setup is checking for every modification made on the file, for each bits modified.It enable to recognizes the file header and pop an error message up! [GUIDE] IT WORKS with XP HOME SP1 STEP 1 Find in I383 folder, the file you what to modify, then decompress the file (e.g WINLOGON.EX_) with "expand" command. SYNTAX : expand C:\WINLOGON.EX_ C:\WINLOGON.EXE Now you get your EXE-file STEP 2 Custom your EXE-file as you wish, then is coming the big trick. USE UPX PACKER or whatever PAKERS(aspack,armadillo,etc...) You can find these kind of PAKERS on google.(Don't Worry ) STEP 3 When your file is UPX-Packed, Just compress your file again with "makecab" command SYNTAX : makecab C:\WINLOGON.EXE C:\WINLOGON.EX_ Now you get your EX_ file. Replace with the one in I383 folder. STEP 4 You mustn't change anything in txtsetup.sif, dosnet.inf, layout.inf files, It's working as well. Build your bootable ISO then LOAD it in Virtual PC 2004 to test it IT SHOULD BE WORKING!!! EXTRA: I noticed some files are not protected, like wpa.dbl, SFC_OS.dll you can replace without following these steps. If you have found a quicker way to do it, post it, Because I've been looking for it since days. Regards Guys. @xie
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