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Everything posted by tabularasa

  1. sorry, one more.... Here is the list of EVERYTHING you can put in winnt.sif http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechn...nd/sp1ch01.mspx
  2. I think i found it... Is this a complete list? [Components] ; This section contains keys for installing the components of ; Windows 2000. A value of On installs the components, and a ; value of Off prevents the component from being installed. iis_common = On iis_inetmgr = Off iis_www = Off iis_ftp = Off iis_htmla = Off iis_doc = Off iis_pwmgr = Off iis_smtp = On iis_smtp_docs = Off Mts_core = On ; The Fp key installs Front Page Server Extensions. Fp = On Msmq = Off ; If you set the TSEnable key to On, Terminal Services is installed on ; Windows 2000 Server. TSEnable = On ; If you set the TSClients key to On, the files required to create ; Terminal Services client disks are installed. If you set this key ; to On, you must also set the TSEnable key to On. TSClients = On ; TSPrinterDrivers and TSKeyboardDrivers are optional keys. If enabled, ; they require additional disk space. TSPrinterDrivers = Off TSKeyboardDrivers = Off Netoc = On Reminst = On Certsrv = Off Rstorage = Off Indexsrv_system = On Certsrv_client = Off Certsrv_server = Off Certsrv_doc = Off Accessopt = On Calc = On Cdplayer = On Charmap = On Chat = Off Clipbook = On Deskpaper = On Dialer = On Freecell = Off Hypertrm = On Media_blindnoisy = On Media_blindquiet = On Media_clips = On Media_jungle = On Media_musica = On Media_robotz = On Media_utopia = On Minesweeper = Off Mousepoint = Off Mplay = On Mswordpad = On Objectpkg = On Paint = On Pinball = Off Rec = On Solitaire = Off Templates = On Vol = On
  3. where can i get a list of commands for the [Components] section of winnt.sif? I have a custom install CD with drivers, silent software installs, and bypass f6 raid. I want to totally customize which components are installed.. TIA!
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