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Everything posted by redking

  1. It seems that Lindows has partialy won the case regarding the windows name, because Lindows has changed its name into Linspire. But hold a minute. there could be another case coming against Lindows/Linspire. It seems that Lindows/Linspire doesnot allow third party software to be installed on there system. Because you need to buy/hire (monthly payment for a year) the tools to make use of the third party source code/binary software packages. Unless it is a standalone software in zipformat, which has its own library files included. But still this is not what is allowed according to competitive/anti-thrust laws in the US, EU and the rest of the world. MS could bring this forward under the attention of the DoJ in the USA There is a way to by-pass this obstruction in LIndowsOS with autopackage. rhis is a tool to make relocatable software packages regardless the OS (distro). If and only if MS would hire people to work on this autopackage tool or make a similar tool, then this could destroy a large part of the income of Lindows/Linspire. Even linux-users would support this, since neither they like this attitude of Lindows/Linspire.
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