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Everything posted by microbious

  1. I have tried adding it as a hotfix and ignoring it if its not a real patch but it didnt work. So what i did was i created a new folder in the CD directory and put all my junk programs there. Than "Run Once" tab you can create a command that will start the installation of the MSI or any other package you may have in this directory. I personally created a number or WinRar Self extracting files with basic parameters such as (extract to temporary folder) and Run a batch file that i have created to setup this program (i used batch only if the program is an MSI package, that way i can make it go /quite "silent install") Or when the extraction is complete, you can specify the Run After Extract. It will automatically start what ever file you use to start setup process . Make sure that what ever the command u make for a setup file, you can not use names that have SPACE in them. %SOURCE%\My Folder\My File.msi /quiet is not gonna work. %SOURCE%\MyFolder\MyFile.msi /quiet is better If you need some files to be copied else where, use the folowing line as an example. Assuming you need a file to go into your future system32 folder. copy %SOURCE%\MyFolder\MyFile.dll %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32 Need to copy a folder and all files in it ? mkdir %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\MyFolder Xcopy %SOURCE%\MyFolder %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\MyFolder
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