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Everything posted by rhsubs

  1. Hi all. I have a DVD with Windows SBS 2003. Due to the known issue of my server - proliant - not having a floppy drive I would like to slipstream the raid drivers into a copy of the DVD. The DVD is a boot one, with 5 CDs within it. I seem to have no problem getting nlite to slip the raid drivers into CD1 (nlite wants to use the CD with i386 on it), however I can only create that one CD with nlite, that is all it writes to an iso image. I do take the chance to copy all the rest of the DVD down to the working directory but nlite still only writes CD1 No doubt I'm missing something, not seeing the wood for the trees! I did try booting off that 1 CD hoping that I could next put in the ioriginal DVD for the rest of the setup, but setup complained that it couldn't find the eula text, no doubt because that was on the root of the actual DVD Thank you
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