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Everything posted by justinhemi

  1. Ah ok. I will try that, thanks. It never did tell me what was wrong since it appears msoft did away with BSODs with a recent XP update. I would rather have them so I know what went wrong. But upon searching, I see that comodo could cause this... I use comodo. Thanks again. Justin
  2. Hello Friends. Long time nliter, new to vlite. When I select the location of the installation files after opening vlite, it immediately reboots my machine. Any ideas why? I am running XP by the way. I was hoping to modify my vista before installing. Is vlite for use in vista only? Any other ideas? Thanks Justin
  3. justinhemi


    Hello all, new to forum but not new to nlite. A few years ago I created my own XPSP2 install which to this day still works perfectly. I am now trying to creat a SP3 install. The only issue I appear to be running into involves services. I never remove the services incase I need em again someday, but I like using nlite to set them up the way I want them (diabled, auto, man). Well this time, even though I changed them in nlite, the services still install with their default settings. I am using the latest version of nlite. Any thoughts? Thanks for your time. Justin
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