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Everything posted by MageLuingil

  1. Hey, sorry I'm so late replying. Do you still need help getting those borders out of the way?
  2. I didn't realize this, that's good to know. However, I still don't think that helps. The problem is, I'm currently using errorlevel 4 to check if there's already a backup file on the remote folder, so I can't use it for both that and checking if the drive is valid. I guess maybe I ought to change my first check to an if exist then ... maybe that'll be easier. It just seemed to me it was returning an errorlevel 4 where it should have been returning a 1. I didn't know about if errorlevel n or greater thing, that helps. Thanks.
  3. I'm using a batch script to copy a backup of my local files to a shared drive on another computer in my network. I'm having a problem with Xcopy's error codes. @echo off ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::Script Global Variables:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SET localDir=C:\temp\ SET destDir=\\Autumn\documents\daniel\backup\ SET base=%computername% SET backupName=%base%%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2% ::SET suffix=%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2% SET errorLog=backup.log SET numArchives=2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: Do not modify beyond this point:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: echo Running system backup echo. echo System backup started %date:~-10,10% %time:~0,8%>>%errorLog% ::--Always local update & copy-- (Current version):: echo Checking for existing backup... xcopy %destDir%%backupName%.rar %localDir% /y 2>>%errorLog% if errorlevel 4 ( if not exist %destDir% ( echo Error: Destination folder not found >> %errorLog% goto error ) echo None found. New file will be created. ) echo Backing up local files... "C:\Program Files\winrar\winrar" u -as -os -ep3 -r -t -ilog%errorLog%.winrar.log -inul -x@backup_excl.lst %localDir%%backupName% @backup.lst echo Done. echo Copying backup to remote folder... xcopy %localDir%%backupName%.rar %destDir% /y 2>>%errorLog% del %localDir%%backupName%.rar 2>>%errorLog% FOR /f "skip=%numArchives% delims=" %%I IN ('DIR %destDir%%base%*.rar /A-D /B /O-D') DO del "%destDir%%%I" 2>>%errorLog% echo Backup complete goto error2 :error echo Backup stopped unexpectedly! >> %errorLog% echo Backup stopped unexpectedly! See error log for details. PAUSE :error2 echo System backup finished %date:~-10,10% %time:~0,8%>>%errorLog% echo.>>%errorLog% :: WinRAR <command> -<switch1> -<switchN> <archive> <files...> <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\> :: Winrar switches: :: -ac handle "archive" file attributes :: -as synchronize (delete files from archive) :: -ep3 expand paths to full (including drive letter) :: -ilog error log location :: -inul disable error messages :: -n include files/lists :: -os important for NTFS file system backups :: -r recurse subfolders :: -u update files (same as 'u' command) :: -t test files after archiving :: -x exclude files/lists
  4. Oh, I'm glad it's working now. And thanks for helping me out! (I hope I didn't sound ungrateful...) I just wanted to know what was going on in case I actually want to change that area to a different color in the future. Maybe it was just a random glitch, I don't know. Anyway, I'm probably gonna want to make a few more tweaks before I'm satisfied, but I'll be sure to post when I'm done. Thanks again!
  5. I found a temporary fix for this to remove the color entirely - I commented out the animation and alpha lines in the logonaccount items (lines 163, 164, 168, 263, and 268 in my attached UIFILE) This will work for me, but I'd still like to know what was causing the black background. UIFILE01000.txt
  6. Yeah, I changed the value on both those lines to argb(0,255,255,255) The real strange thing is, when I hover over my name, it does the fade animation from transparent to solid black, but when the animation finishes it switches to completely transparent again.
  7. I've been teaching myself how to build a custom logonui, and have been mostly successful ... but I can't figure out this problem. There's a solid black background color behind the users area that fades in (from solid black to transparent) when the mouse hovers over the area. I want to change (or remove entirely) the color of this area. I've changed any colors I can find in the UIFILE to be transparent and white (argb(0,255,255,255)) but it still hasn't gone away. I have one image that's completely black (126 - it's a 1x1 black pixel), but I changed that to the default transparent color and it still didn't change. Any help with this issue will be appreciated.
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