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Everything posted by cog

  1. Yeah, I know that the setup will only install the drivers it needs. But if I'm putting all of the drivers (approx 80MB) for all the configurations into a single $OEM$, a single machine may only use about 10MB of those. I think I'm going to need write script like knewman01 did in order to merge a common base $OEM$ folder with a specific configuration $OEM$ folder. I might also play around with my source server and see if I using some NTFS Junctions will work. I'm just not sure managing the junctions will be to much of a pain.
  2. I was wondering if anyone has setup a network install using different .SIF files and $OEM$ folders for differnt workstation configurations? I know that I could put all the drivers for every configuration into one $OEM$ folder, but I'd rather not have all of the unnecessary drivers installed on machines that do not need them. I've been able to successfully create a .SIF and a $OEM$ directory for each type of workstation configuration. Now, my problem is this: If I have the multiple $OEM$ structure for the drivers unique to each configuration, how can I manage the files common to all of the configurations? (i.e. monitor/print drivers, patches, apps, etc.) I don't want to have to manage 15 copies of the .Net framework install in my source. I've tried putting the "common" files into the default $OEM$ structure under the I386 directory and then using the OemFilesPath= to point to different $OEM$ structure in hopes that they would somehow merge. Just wondering if I've missed something or if anyone else has had this kind of dilema?
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