MemberAbout theruan

- Birthday 02/15/1985
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Post-RTM Updates for Windows 8 (Discontinued!)
theruan replied to steven4554's topic in User Contributed Update Lists
When downloading the windows 8.1 list through wud site we end up getting the windows 8 instead. I downloaded the version posted here. Thanks for the link! -
RT Seven Lite - RC build 1.7.0 and Beta build 2.6.0
theruan replied to bensam56's topic in Unattended Windows 7/Server 2008R2
Hello, thanks for this good job i've tested RT7 on a Win7 x86 EN and besides some small problems it was a success, but when i got my language version Win x86 PT-BR Enterprise i couldn't make it work in 1.7.0 and neither in 2.6.0. If you could fix this a would appreciate 'cause win7 using PT-BR language pack goes far slow in here. Thanks -
Sorry i know this isn't the correct place to ask this, but i was unable to find this version you were talking about, there to many related things that even google couldn't give me a correct path to this! Thanks By the way, good job Mimo, your work continues good as always.
Man, we are all in a bad luck time, your site is down again, But plz mimmo don't stop this list yet, since hfslip is ended, i hop your project not to stop yet. Thanks "Waiting to the site come alive again"
All this is really sad, because I do really like this project, i have used hfslip hundreds maybe thousands of times, i know that its not meant for commercial purposes, but if there is need of money as we all need, why the licensing isn't changed for payable in commercial and free for home users. It wouldn't even need to be a great amount of money, if this was done in the past, one to five years ago, i'm sure they would have thousands of dollars in hand, 'cause i know for experience on my last job i used to take my laptop to work and my boss used that one time and questioned me what was different on that computer since it was a lot faster than another one in there, and i answered, simple hfsliped OS, he wanted me to use hfslip and buy a license, but unfortunately i couldn't use it. As this is the end I just would like to give a huge thanks to everyone involved in this perfect script. If people like you happened to work in Microsoft i would imagine that Windows would be much better, cause a lot of people here knows more about microsoft OS then most of their employees. Many thanks
Don't know exactly, but just some hours before you updated i had downloaded the previous version.
Yes, Sir, I know! 2010-05-11 - Added: KB978542 (MS10-030: Outlook Express, replaces KB951066 and KB973354) - Removed: KB951066 (MS08-048: Outlook Express) - Removed: KB973354 (part of MS09-037: Active Template Library (ATL)) - Added: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.7 - Removed: Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.6 Long time no post in here. Just entered in a loop today when updating the filechecker, it kept trying to update. After closing and reopening it went back to normal, just reporting, as it seems to work fine. By the way, keep the good job! EDIT: I was trying to add an exclude inside the ini settings file for browser choice how should it be done? Didn't undestood about the columms, maybe that's my mistake. Is this correct? +IGNORE windowsxp-kb976002-v5-x86-enu.exe -
Needed??? Hotfixes are fixes for non-widespread, non-critical issues, which is developed fast and hasen't gone through as much regression-testing as the normal updates... Also, since HFSLIP allready is using the QFE branch of the updates, then the files in the updates allready include the fixes from the hotfixes(only for the included files in the updates that is...) Sorry, i may have used a worng word for that, i'm brazilian, my english isn't that good, lol. A good word would be as optional updates, and also, you that obviously knows more about updates Tommyp could take a better look on them. In HF folder: ... ... ... All of this ones were taken from thehotfixshare, i know that may be not all of them are available in every language and so far will sometimes be hard to acquire them, but they still are hotfixes that could or not be added to the list. They are optional, and still have to check if they are not replaced already. What i can say for sure is that i have tried using them with nlite to see if any problems related to older updates beeing used and so far it showed me only five(or something like that) updates that were replaced that i already removed from my list. Also i think you could remove this: missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB960225-x86-PTB.EXE (MS09-007: SChannel (Secure Channel)) as this check in my opinion is not need 'cause it's replaced, only the new one sould be checked. Thanks TheRuan Ok guys, new list checked and re-checked everything twice. The versions are organized in this way: KB - files - original version - update version. I have removed "5.1.2600." from the updates that have only 4 digits in versions. WindowsXP-KB944898-x86-PTB.EXE cscdll.dll 5512 5586 mrxsmb.sys 5911 5586 WindowsXP-KB945436-x86-PTB.EXE usbccgp.sys 5512 5585 WindowsXP-KB946554-x86-PTB.EXE cimwin32.dll 5512 5591 WindowsXP-KB946775-x86-PTB.EXE ndiswan.sys 5512 5584 WindowsXP-KB948046-v2-x86-PTB.EXE >>>>>>>> NOT NEEDED (ONLY COULD CHECK THIS THIS FILES ON THE UPDATE OTHERS DON'T HAVE VERSION INFO) pcl4res.dll 0.3.5479.0 0.3.5479.0 pcl5eres.dll 0.3.5479.0 0.3.5479.0 pcl5ures.dll 0.3.5479.0 0.3.5479.0 pclxl.dll 0.3.5479.0 0.3.5479.0 unidrv.dll 0.3.6002.22136 0.3.6001.22116 unidrvui.dll 0.3.6002.22136 0.3.6001.22116 unires.dll 0.3.6002.22136 0.3.6001.22116 WindowsXP-KB948101-v3-x86-PTB.EXE usbohci.sys 5512 5550 WindowsXP-KB948277-x86-PTB.EXE licdll.dll 5512 5587 msgina.dll 5512 5587 winlogon.exe 5512 5587 WindowsXP-KB948720-x86-PTB.EXE setupapi.dll 5512 5603 WindowsXP-KB949033-x86-PTB.EXE usbehci.sys 5512 5587 WindowsXP-KB949127-v2-x86-PTB.EXE wzcsvc.dll 5512 5585 WindowsXP-KB949764-x86-PTB.EXE usbport.sys 5512 5551 WindowsXP-KB949900-x86-PTB.EXE shimeng.dll 5512 5555 WindowsXP-KB950162-x86-PTB.exe >>>> Not Needed WindowsXP-KB950312-x86-PTB.EXE winsrv.dll 5512 5585 >>>> WindowsXP-KB950565-x86-PTB.EXE >>>> Not Needed WindowsXP-KB950616-x86-PTB.EXE portcls.sys 5512 5566 WindowsXP-KB950982-x86-PTB.EXE odbc32.dll 3.525.1132.0 3.525.3000.0 odbccp32.dll 3.525.1132.0 3.525.3000.0 WindowsXP-KB951312-x86-PTB.EXE >>>>>>> NOT SURE Weird this found two files here: NTDLL.DLL in i386 folder 5755 5594 NTDLL.DLL in i386\system32 5512 5594 WindowsXP-KB951347-x86-PTB.EXE fxscomex.dll 5.2.2600.5512 5588 WindowsXP-KB951624-x86-PTB.EXE hnetcfg.dll 5512 5589 ipnathlp.dll 5584 5589 WindowsXP-KB951709-x86-PTB.EXE disk.sys 5512 5597 WindowsXP-KB951822-v2-x86-PTB.EXE alpsres.dll 0.3.1281.0 0.3.1282.0 WindowsXP-KB951937-v2-x86-PTB.EXE >>>>> NOT NEEDED msadce.dll 2.81.3010.0 2.81.3001.0 WindowsXP-KB952079-v2-x86-PTB.EXE ntfs.sys 5512 5585 WindowsXP-KB952117-v2-x86-PTB.EXE ndis.sys 5512 5588 ndiswan.sys 5512 5588 WindowsXP-KB953028-x86-PTB.EXE d3d9.dll 5.3.2600.5512 5.3.2600.5601 WindowsXP-KB817688-x86-PTB.EXE ntbackup.exe 5512 5808 WindowsXP-KB889320-v2-x86-PTB.EXE browser.dll 5512 5574 WindowsXP-KB932521-x86-PTB.EXE >>>>>> NoT NEEDED rastls.dll 5886 5586 WindowsXP-KB940648-x86-PTB.EXE mup.sys 5512 5589 <<<<<< NEEDED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< wkssvc.dll 5826 5589 <<<<<<< NOT NEEDED WindowsXP-KB943326-x86-PTB.EXE <<<< NOT NEEDED win32k.sys 5863 5612 WindowsXP-KB974266.exe(RUNONCE UPDATE TYPE) gpprefcl.dll 5.2.3790.4568 5.2.3790.4569 This ones i could'nt get their version >>polbase.mof >>polpro.mof >>polproc.mof >>polprocl.mfl >>polprocl.mof >>polprou.mof >>spupdsvc.exe I agree this aren't exactly essential updates, i do use them because i like to be on the end point of updates, what could be done is to add another category like HOTFIXES, or if you don't think they are usefull to trash list, shaushaushau. There are some updates that aren't needed, i removed in the beginning until i have realized that someone else could use to see the not needed aswell. Sorry to take so long but i wasn't home until yesterday. Thanks
What ist the new one?As far as I know KB960225 can be replaced by KB968389. If KB968389 is existing in HF the file-checker will not report KB960225 as missing. THX for the list. Mimo Exactly, but the file checker doesn't need to search for the older one, just the new one. In my opinion it should just say that KB968389 is missing or not found. And if the older one is present say it's replaced by KB968389. Just that, as there is no need to someone download something if it's already old. I'm sayind this because in the speed this project is going on, in two or three months the checks will be to many, lol. Also i was thinking about to help with other updates, like legit check, optional updates like ever needed addons flash for firefox and others, i'm just thinking yet where i could put the files. But of course if there interest on that. About the list if you want i could try to verify the ENU one 'cause they might have many more than in my language, i will probably do that next week or the other. Do someone know what's the command line to extract files from the hotfixes that have .sfx inside seen with normal winrar or 7z ? It would make my life easier to verify the files on hotfixshare.
Needed??? Hotfixes are fixes for non-widespread, non-critical issues, which is developed fast and hasen't gone through as much regression-testing as the normal updates... Also, since HFSLIP allready is using the QFE branch of the updates, then the files in the updates allready include the fixes from the hotfixes(only for the included files in the updates that is...) Sorry, i may have used a worng word for that, i'm brazilian, my english isn't that good, lol. A good word would be as optional updates, and also, you that obviously knows more about updates Tommyp could take a better look on them. In HF folder: WindowsXP-KB944898-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB945060-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB945436-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB946554-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB946666-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB946775-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB948046-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB948101-v3-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB948277-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB948720-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB949033-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB949127-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB949764-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB949900-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB950162-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB950312-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB950565-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB950616-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB950982-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951312-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951347-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951624-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951709-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951822-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB951937-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB952079-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB952117-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB953028-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB817688-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB889320-v2-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB932521-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB940648-x86-PTB.EXE WindowsXP-KB943326-x86-PTB.EXE In HFSVCPACK_SW1 folder: WindowsXP-KB974266.exe All of this ones were taken from thehotfixshare, i know that may be not all of them are available in every language and so far will sometimes be hard to acquire them, but they still are hotfixes that could or not be added to the list. They are optional, and still have to check if they are not replaced already. What i can say for sure is that i have tried using them with nlite to see if any problems related to older updates beeing used and so far it showed me only five(or something like that) updates that were replaced that i already removed from my list. Also i think you could remove this: missing (S): HF\WindowsXP-KB960225-x86-PTB.EXE (MS09-007: SChannel (Secure Channel)) as this check in my opinion is not need 'cause it's replaced, only the new one sould be checked. Thanks TheRuan
Hi is there any kind of intention on adding the updates that are shown in thehotifxshare(google for it), all of them are downloads originaly from microsoft, you most probably know it already, i have found at least 20 updates in there that are needed in the update process. Tomorrow, i will a list of the updates a have used, and a list of the ones that could be directly slipstreamed, i'm at work right now, and no net until friday at home. Thanks for this great job
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
theruan replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
PTB XP here Do you know any kind of program that monitor in real time what files are used or changed in the system, that would solve almost all my problems here. -
Silent .NET Maker synthesized 20100118 - W2K/XP/2K3 x86
theruan replied to strel's topic in Application Installs
Hi, first of all, many thanks, great tool, besides hfslip this one is the one that give's me up more time, updates and space on the final installation. I know this isn't the perfect place to question about, or may be it is, but as i know that you must probably have the answer, goes the question: Does someone know what the hell DotNet 3.5 Full redist download when you try to install it normally? because this happens with me every time when needed a normal install. I have noticed that it download more than one thing, i "think" that the download is of 2 files, one of 50MB+/- and other like 11MB+/- , that makes me crazy. I really don't wanna bother you, and also sorry for my bad english. Installation problem known info: DotNet 3.5 (aka dotnetfx35.exe of 231MB in size) during start process. Total download size 61MB probably divided in 2 files from 50MB and 11MB as it actually starts in the download window in 50MB already downloaded(probably comes together in package), but leaving 11MB to download. EDIT: Trying the tool right now to make a newer version here. NDP1.1sp1-KB893251-X86.exe ; NDP1.1sp1-KB933227-X86.exe: This ones are in the download list what is correct here, to have both of them, or they are really superseded? NOTE: NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe supersedes NDP1.1sp1-KB893251-X86.exe that won't be used. NOTE: NDP1.1sp1-KB953297-X86.exe supersedes NDP1.1sp1-KB933227-X86.exe and NDP1.1sp1-KB937501-X86.exe, that won't be used. -
IE8-WindowsXP-KB976662-x86-ENU, a non security update, replaces IE8-WindowsXP-KB971961-x86-ENU - a security update covered by MS09-045. jscript.dll v5.8.6001.22960 And WindowsXP-KB979306-x86-ENU.exe replaces WindowsXP-KB976098-v2-x86-ENU.exe Timezone updates Also KB905474 from mimo's list and in hfslip site are quite old, the new version is 1.9.40 and the ones in the website are if i'm not wrong.
Found this two new for WINXP x86: kb976662 IE Update kb979306 WinXP Hotfix