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About nai22

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  1. dear ilko t, dear jaclaz, thank you so much for helping me, now all problems being solved. installation success with guirunonce option solution: winnt.sif [GuiRunOnce] Command0=%SystemRoot%\System32\nLite.cmd @ ilko t that is it !!! nlite.cmd for /f "tokens=3" %%i IN ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v "SourcePath" ^| findstr "REG_SZ"') do set SOURCE=%%i SET SOURCE "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\IRFA.EXE" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\MP3D.exe" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\QIP.EXE" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\MPUI.EXE" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\Skype40.exe" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\GIMP.EXE" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\XNVF.EXE" "%Source%\I386\svcpack\OpenOffice.org3.0.1.exe" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\PAIN.EXE" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\AV9_Silent.exe" "%Source%\I386\SVCPACK\PDFC.EXE" EXIT jaclaz code was near 100% , only 1 "\" between %Source% and I386 was missing, thats why the script coudnt find the files on the stick again thank you so much, the combination of your two tips was the solution for my problem, jiiipiii cheers
  2. i started this script manually this is the result: C:\WINDOWS\system32>for /F "tokens=3" %i IN ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v "SourcePath" | findstr "REG_SZ"') do set SOURCE= %i C:\WINDOWS\system32>set SOURCE=U:\$WIN_NT$.~LS C:\WINDOWS\system32>SET SOURCE SOURCE=U:\$WIN_NT$.~LS C:\WINDOWS\system32>PAUSE Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . . C:\WINDOWS\system32>IF NOT DEFINED SOURCE ECHO "SOURCE variable is NOT defined" & PAUSE C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\IRFA.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\MP3D.exe" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\QIP.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\MPUI.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\Skype40.exe" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\GIMP.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\XNVF.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\svcpack\OpenOffice.org3.0.1.exe" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\PAIN.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\AV9_Silent.exe" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>"U:\$WIN_NT$.~LSI386\SVCPACK\PDFC.EXE" Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden. C:\WINDOWS\system32>PAUSE Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
  3. because, i can start this script (windows\system32\nlite.cmd) manually by doubleclick and all programs will be installed ok. but i will follow you suggestion and add the checking options
  4. in my $winnt$.inf [GuiRunOnce] "%SystemRoot%\System32\nLite.cmd"="" is that normal? "=""
  5. yes you are right, i dunno why nlite.cmd is not executed, realy strange the origin nlite.cmd (nlite.cm_) which im using on my installation-dvd looks like this for /f "tokens=3" %%i IN ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v "SourcePath" ^| findstr "REG_SZ"') do set SOURCE=%%i "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\IRFA.EXE" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\MP3D.exe" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\QIP.EXE" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\MPUI.EXE" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\Skype40.exe" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\GIMP.EXE" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\XNVF.EXE" "%Source%I386\svcpack\OpenOffice.org3.0.1.exe" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\PAIN.EXE" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\AV9_Silent.exe" "%Source%I386\SVCPACK\PDFC.EXE" EXIT but this untouched nlite.cmd also didnt work on usb, thats why i made a directory called "install"with this above ssetups. thought something went wrong if the folders name look like this "$WIN_NT$.~LS" setup.zip
  6. gratie jaclaz and here is my dir.txt dir.zip
  7. yes nlite.cmd was in \windows\system32\ (because its from nlite.cm_ \$WIN_NT$.~LS\I386\ yes install directory was present because i put it \$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\$1\ before sorry i cant find any "c:\dir.txt" yes my setup-usbstick always get u: as driveletter, i think its ok so, maybe i dont need to make an extra directory "install", cause all these guirunonce files already exist in this folder \$WIN_NT$.~LS\I386\SVCPACK\ if i burn this xp-iso to dvd. everything went ok. [GuiRunOnce] "%systemroot%\system32\nlite.cmd" presetup.zip
  8. Thanks for that, I have reported the seller. Hopefully ebay will take an action against him. Please put in a zip archive and attach the following files, remove product code and personal details if present: USB_stick\$WIN_NT$.~BT\winnt.sif USB_stick\$WIN_NT$.~LS\I386\tempunat.inf nLite.cmd wherever it is on USB stick \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\$winnt$.inf <--- this is where you installed windows to \WINDOWS\System32\nLite.cmd thank you for replying and here are my files files.zip
  9. @ ilko t please i need your help my source is a nlite integrated xp sp3 version with guirunonce command like this [GuiRunOnce] "%SystemRoot%\System32\nLite.cmd" but it doesnt run this script, so all my progs like painnet, skype etc. couldnt be installed please i ve tried everything, read all topics but couldnt find any solutions ps. im using winsetupfromusb latest version 0.2.1 thanx in advance for replying. winsetupfromusb is realy great tool best regards
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