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Posts posted by Grizzly

  1. I try to install WinXP x64 (SP2) with German MUI pack.

    I changed Program Files locations in winnt.sif:

    CommonProgramFilesDir="\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien"
    CommonProgramFilesDir(x86)="\Programme(x86)\Gemeinsame Dateien"

    After installation there are the following program directories created too:

    C:\Program Files (x86)

    C:\Program Files (x86)(x86)

    Latter is containing some files (e.g. Netmeeting software).

    Doing some research in registry I found following corresponding wrong keys, where the

    program files location change did not has taken place, e.g.:


    CommonFilesDir = C:\Program Files (x86)(x86)\Common

    ProgramFilesDir = C:\Programs Files (x86)(x86)

    Does anybody know whether there is patch for this setup configuration error?

    Or how to write a repair script to be integrated in the setup?

    Second question I have is regarding the MUI setup.

    I did it by let setup calling

    muisetup.exe /i 0407 /d 0407 /r /t

    during unattended setup.

    Afterwards I noticed MUI installed in default program dir ("Program Files"),

    i.e. MUI is ignoring changed program file location.

    It does so when installing MUI manually too.

    I can't find any switch of muisetup to change target directory.

    An answer file mui.txt is ignored too.

    thx for any suggestions

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