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Everything posted by Naga3

  1. then i guess it would be a picture. im using vb btw. im creating a user interface to scan a fingerprint from a device that i have. the sdk that i acquired doesnt have a function to save the image of the fingerprint. so i was just wondering how to save a image, or picture to be exact. without regards to my project. just want to see how a code is written on a program that just save images.
  2. hi anybody can help me and tell me what are the things that i need to have to create a program to save images? i am working on a differenn project but it would be similar to what i am gona do. so anybody can help me??
  3. was just wondering. for a simple program, what do i have to start with? eg declaring variables. i also want to know how to call for a function in a library. help is greatly appreciated. thnks
  4. Well im more to a hands on kind of person. I prefer working rather than studying. But i have to go throough this even though i have no interest. I asked my supervisor for a hardware project but was given a programming project. So thats why im asking for help. Maybe you can take i as teaching me how to go through it.
  5. HI there. thnks for replying. I have both the codes for C# and VB. I prefer using VB as it is easier. This is part of the sample code. Theres a lot of things that i dont understand and i dont know where or how to start. Im a student and im supposed to do this for my project. Im not a programmer btw. So im really really lost. Hope there are peeps out there willing to help. Private Sub BtnCapture1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnCapture1.Click Di() m fp_image() As Byte Dim iError As Int32 Dim img_qlty As Int32 ReDim fp_image(m_ImageWidth * m_ImageHeight) iError = m_FPM.GetImage(fp_image) If iError = FDxError.ERROR_NONE Then DrawImage(fp_image, pictureBoxR1) m_FPM.GetImageQuality(m_ImageWidth, m_ImageHeight, fp_image, img_qlty) progressBar_R1.Value = img_qlty iError = m_FPM.GetMinutiae(fp_image, m_RegMin1) If (iError = FDxError.ERROR_NONE) Then StatusBar.Text = "First image is captured" Else StatusBar.Text = "GetMinutiae() Error : " + Convert.ToString(iError) End If Else StatusBar.Text = "GetImage() Error : " + Convert.ToString(iError) End If End Sub
  6. i have the source codes on my project. But i dont understand a single thing. Anybody care to help me out try to figure out the codes and help me out on my project? i will send u the source codes. reply me if interested. Thnks a lot..hoping to hear from u guys soon
  7. anybody have any idea of coding a simple program to compare two different fingerprints
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