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Everything posted by jigar

  1. hay guys i will created slipstream xp sp2 with wpi but its more then 1200 mb so i want to make 2 cd installation i have no dvd drive so what i am doing any one have suggetion for me how i creat 2 cd installation for my modified untended windows xp sp2 with WPI how i will make 2 part thanx in advanced
  2. i want to make my windows xp sp2 media center edition upgread i will do it with nlite i will upgread all driver pack form driverpack.net and i will make more then 200 full installer nlite addon and load it to my custom xp but i my xp go to 1gb size befor i will do it sleeptreeming i want to make cd no dvd so any one know how to make 2 cd setup i will creat iso size 1.13gb so how i can make it 2 cd setup disk. thanx in advanced who give me a right suggetion
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