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  1. There is a way to find out certain things by connecting to the WMI of the local machine, but you do need the admin access to the computer that you are using. I hope this atricle helps. I was looking for something of the same fashion and was able to query the local registry for the bios version. Here is some code to get a few things. But the following code does not connect to WMI, just registry reading. <html> <title>PHP Registry test...</title> <body> <?php $shell = new COM("WScript.Shell") or die("Requires Windows Scripting Host"); $pack="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CSDVersion"; $key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\SystemBiosDate"; $address=""; $lash="\\"; $t = $shell->RegRead($key); print "BIOS date:$t<br/>\n"; $r = $shell->RegRead($pack); print "Service Pack:$r<br/>\n"; echo $lash.$lash.$address.$lash.$pack; ?> </body> </html>
  2. If you are using a computer using Apache, there are two files to use .htaccess and .htpasswd -> .htaccess AuthUserFile "path to .htaccess and .htpasswd"/.htpasswd AuthName PasswordArea AuthType Basic require valid-user .htpasswd username:password In the case that you are not running the server, put these two files in the directory(s) you want protected. You have to change the first line in the .htacces to conform to your directory in each instance. The .htpasswd part you need to have just a normal username, but the password needs to be in the cool *nix style. Using something like this web page http://spectrum.troyst.edu/password/ . When working properly, the person should recieve a prompt to have a login and password. There are even changes that you can make to protect an individual file if wanted. Help can be found at the Apache website.
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