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About jimshu2003

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  1. Hi You lot sound like a clever bunch so I thought I would post in here, hopefully you can help me out. Yesterday I tried to copy my main partition to another disk (A larger one) using partition magic cos I need the extra space, I rebooted using the new disk and it just told me to press any key to reboot. Maybe I'm not thinking this through properly............. Anyway thats not the problem, I set everything back up the way it was and I am now getting an error message. On boot up it ask me which operating sytem I want to use which is strange because I only have one installed. I have the option of XP or XP (#1). Just out of interest I tried the #1 and it told me "windows could not start because the following file is missing of corrupt <windows root\system32\hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file" The first one must be my main partition cos I am using that now, where has the other one come from? how do i get rid of it? Any help appreciated!!!
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