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Rackam le rouge

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  1. I correct again the same king of bug in my new post : WPI6.5.1 Bug and Fix on %root% variable value on reboot (in config.js) http://www.msfn.org/board/WPI651-Bug-and-F...le-t120812.html
  2. Hello, i found a bug in WPi 6.5.1. (i hope it 's new !). The %root% variable doesn't work after a reboot (%root% you put in your config.js). In Fact it's the same king of bug than my post on 'Bug in installer.hta in wpi 6.3 & 6.4' last 4 april 2008. -->http://www.msfn.org/board/Bug-in-Installer...ded#entry751972 But, i correct it better. I change defaut_wpi() fonction in wpiscript\core.js, and i suppress now line 69 in installer.hta Explanation : First Wpi Runs wpi.hta, and when WPi Reboot, it runs installer.hta... installer.hta runs default_wpi() function. But this one, make wrong path because "document.location" value change (....\WPI\common instead of ....\Wpi\). So i correct defaut_wpi() function, and now if we call this function, the variable %wpipath% and %root%, stay same values. By analzing code, i can say just the two variables root and wpipath, was touched by this bug. Line 69 of installer.hta wpipath=wpipath.substring(0,wpipath.lastIndexOf('\\')); //Remove the 'Common' folder from wpipath Add after Line 19 of core.js if (wpipath.indexOf("Common")>0) { wpipath = wpipath.substring(0,wpipath.lastIndexOf("\\")); //Remove the 'Common' folder from wpipath } line 19 of core.js (for information, d'ont change) wpipath = wpipath.replace("file:///","").replace(/\//g,"\\"); I send you the fix, on WPI6.5.1 source, with the new installer.hta and core.js put instaler.hta in %wpipath%\common\ put core.js in %wpipath\WPIScript\ New_Installer_core.zip Nearly same explanation in french... Explication en Français ! WPI6.5.1 Bug sur la valeur de la variable %root% au reboot de wpi (dans config.js) Bonjour, j'ai trouvé un nouveau bug dans WPi 6.5.1. En fait, c'est une erreur similaire à celle décrite dans mon message 'Bug in installer.hta in wpi 6.3 & 6.4' du 4 avril 2008. Je la corrige en la comprenant mieux maintenant ! La variable %root% (mise dans un config.js), n'a pas la bonne valeur après un reboot lancer par WPi. En effet, au reboot Wpi lance installer.hta qui lance la fonction default_wpi(), et qui fait appel à l'instruction "document.location", qui donne (....\WPI\commmon au lieu de ....\Wpi\). J'ai donc corrigé les fichiers installer.hta et core.js. Dans installer.hta je supprime la ligne 69. Dans core.js, j'ajoute un test qui supprime, le "common" du chemin. Et comme %root% est calculé à partir de %wpipath%, cette dernière variable est corrigé aussi. En regardant le code plus en détail, seules les variables %wpipath% et %root%, étaient concernées par cette erreur. mettre installer.hta dans %wpipath%\common\ mettre core.js dans %wpipath\WPIScript\, %wpipath%, étant le répertoire d'installation de wpi New_Installer_core.zip
  3. Hello Growbigtrees, I test your code, and it works ! So, i send you my config.js (with your code) and also useroptions.js, C:\WPI_Log.txt, and C:\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt in WPIscripts.zip. (copie *.js in .\WPIScripts, of course) to test again, or for try any others tests... First, i try with this code below, and, as i change your code a little bit, i see that works. In your instructions, i just erase /T (and time, and i create a file Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt), and i see a windows with %SystemDrive%\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt on my screen after reboot Here, my first test this with this code. there are more instructions than your's, to see better all actions, and it works... pn=1; prog[pn]=['REBOOT']; ordr[pn]=[999]; desc[pn]=['<BR><B><u>REBOOT</u></B><P>REBOOTS the computer after 20 seconds, typically after all installations are done.</P><UL><LI> <B>STATUS</B> 2007-01-25: <B><FONT color=blue>TEST</FONT></B><LI> <FONT color=red>TODO: When using WPI on a network share, after the reboot a window pops up "Z:\\Common\\Installer.hta" which you have to close manually before logon continues, and when you start WPI, the message "WPI has detected a previous installation that has not completed..." appears, and you have to click "Cancel" to abort that previous WPI session for the reboot ...</FONT></UL>']; uid[pn]=['REBOOT']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Other']; forc[pn]=['no']; configs[pn]=['TEST']; cmd1[pn]=['cmd /C "%SystemDrive%\\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt"']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 5 -c "WPI will reboot the system in 20 seconds. Don`t panic. The installations will continue after you login again!"']; cmd3[pn]=['cmd /C "%SystemDrive%\\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt"']; pn++; prog[pn]=['End']; ordr[pn]=[1000]; desc[pn]=['End']; uid[pn]=['FIN']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; forc[pn]=['no']; configs[pn]=['Other']; cmd1[pn]=['cmd /C "%SystemDrive%\\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt"']; pn++; Thanks also Kelsenellenelvian for your answer. Can we confirm ? This program run... Ps : Oh sorry, this test don't test my correction, because your file ("%SystemDrive%\\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt") should be in ("%WPIpath%\\Continue-WPI-Installation-Succeeded.txt"). My correction, only correct %WPIPATH% value on reboot. Those tests programs should work with WPI 6.3 and 6.4 without my correction... Just change %systemdrive% by %wpipath%, and try again... WPIScripts.zip
  4. I find a bug, i think ! I am not sure, because i am quite "newbie" is javascript, WPI, forums and english !... Maybe i don't undestand all subtilities of WPI ! I need reboot my system between Msi install (KB898461) and framework V1+2, and it doesn't work. Wpi reboot after Msi install, start WPI again, but stop all installations, and show red cross in front of each applications, and stop definitively... I solve this problem like this ! In .\WPI\Common\Installer.hta file line number 62 wpipath = wpipath.substring(0,wpipath.lastIndexOf('\\')) + "\\"; I think, it should be wpipath = wpipath.substring(0,wpipath.lastIndexOf('\\')); Because a message (message in C:\WPI_Log.txt or %systemdrive%\...) tell me that wpi isn't in the right folder. By exemple, when you install and start Wpi in C:\wpi, and in your config.js your path for all program are defined with %wpipath%, the error message tell you that it can't find "c:\wpi\\application\application.exe", with two "\\" in the path. Notes : The path %wpipath%\..\ work, i has tested it ! Extract from my config.js : prog[pn]=['KB898461-X86-Fra']; uid[pn]=['KB898461-X86-Fra']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Complément Installation Windows']; forc[pn]=['no']; cmd1[pn]=['"%WPIPATH%\\..\\Service Windows\\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-FRA.exe" /quiet /norestart']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 1']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Framework V1+2']; desc[pn]=['Framework V1+2 de Microsoft. Attention, il faut que windows installer et KB898461 soient installés au préalable !']; uid[pn]=['FrameworkV1+2']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Complément Installation Windows']; forc[pn]=['no']; cmd1[pn]=['%WPIPATH%\\..\\Framework\\Lance_Framework1-2_install.bat']; pn++; I post you my new ".\WPI\Common\Installer.hta" in "Installer.zip" file I hope it's right Installer.zip
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