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About tom_kaufm

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  1. Sorry for the double post, but I think I found a way of including all those files. By selecting 'Create a Distribution share', it has copied all those folders eg. $OEM$ over to the other HDD as well. Would that work?
  2. Hi everyone, I'm a long time reader but this is the first problem I need some help with. The company I work for does some work for Dell, so I do a lot of OS reinstallations for people. But that takes a long time (about 1 hour, once all the Driver/Software etc. is reinstalled). And since I only get paid per job, I've set up an unattended install, with the files on a separate HDD instead of the CD (using setupmgr.exe). That should speed things up a bit. The question I have is, I think Dell has some 3rd party scripts/programs that it runs during install. How can I add those to the install, from the Dell Windows CD? What will I be missing if I only copy the i386 folder over? During the install, there are always some DOS windows that pop up in the background, installing Dell specific programs (I guess). Below I've added some pics of the $OEM$ folders and the others. Would those sort of things only be in the $OEM$ folder on the CD, or elsewhere as well (eg. E:\VALUEADD\3RDPARTY\MGMT\CITRIX )? Thanks for you help.
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