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Everything posted by rfsapiens

  1. Hello people, Well I tried to boot Windows 98SE with 4GB but with no luck... I forgot to add that I have R.Loew RAM Patch 5.0. I have 2 Modules of DDR2 1066MHz which is 2 x 2GB = 4GB RAM. When I only put one module of 2GB on my ASRock 4Core1600-GLan it boots fine and detects 2GB, when I put the two modules the BIOS says 4096MB but the memtest in POST says 3392MB OK and Windows 98 can't boot it locks before getting to desktop. On safe mode it works correctly. What can it be? Do I need an updated version of R.Loew's Patch or do I have any issue with my motherboard? With the best regards, Rfsapiens. P.S: Ok I was able to solve the 3392MB problem... Now the motherboard is showing and using 4096MB RAM I enabled Memory Remap Feature but the problem still remains...I still can't boot to desktop on normal mode... What can I do? Thank you in advance for all your kind help You are awsome.
  2. Hello people, Thank you for your kind replies I'm happy to announce that Windows 98 is working on AsRock 4Core1600-GLan (Intel P31 / ICH7) properly with an Intel Xeon X5460 LGA 771 and 2GB of RAM (I have RLoew Patch) Nvidia 6600GT 128MB PCI-E with 82.69 moddified drivers... I had some issues but I discovered that are caused by USB drivers so I still haven't tested the USB 2.0 3.3 Maximus Decimus Drivers posted here for now I've just bypassed usb installation but I will get through it with more time since this windows will be a triple boot OS. I'll try to boot with 4GB of RAM and try to deal with the USB issue thing and let you know how it goes. For now thank you for all your kind help and replies... It's been a long time since people don't mess generally with windows 98 and we tend to kind of forget some things and / or having some difficulties in performing some tasks becuase I repair PC's from about 10 years but I'm more used to WinXP and posterior Windows although I began repairing also PC's with Win9x. I'll let you know the news but you can be assured that ASRock 4Core1600 GLan motherboard definitely works with windows 98. I would like you to ask you if you could put this motherboard on the sticky list of the first page of this topic. With the best regards, Rfsapiens.
  3. So I really need to swap this graphics card for a 6600gt PCI-E?
  4. Dear all, Thank you for all your kind replies. I bough a Sparkle NVidia Geforce 8600GTS 256MB PCI-E Graphics card and I tried to install it on my Windows 98SE. The graphics card was on the list of the DEV_ID included the modified 82.69 drivers posted in this topic. The only problem I get is that I can now only go to safe mode if I have these drivers installed. In normal mode I get a "Windows Protection Error - You need to restart your computer" black screen and the windows locks doesn't even enter on the GUI. Since this card is supported also as the 6xxx and 7xxxx are by this specific driver Is there anything I can do to make it work correctly on my machine under Windows 98SE? (If I remove the drivers I can enter Windows normally) Thank you in advance for your kind help, With the best regards, Rfsapiens.
  5. Thank you for your kind reply Does this graphics driver make a PCI-E Nvidia 6600GT work? As for Audio I'll use a SoundBlaster Live which I have installed also SB16 emulation for it With the best regards, rfsapiens.
  6. Dear all, I have an Asrock 4Core1600-GLAN (Intel P31 Chipset + ICH7) and I installed Windows 98SE sucessfully with RLoew mempatch I had from previous installation on a 120GB SSD but now I have the following issues: The system freezes when it tries to install USB 2.0 Hub Root Device (after it installs well the Enhanced USB 2.0 Controller OWC) so I had to disable it on device manager and the system works correctly on USB 1.1 which it isn't an issue to me but it would be great if I could also solve this. My issue is also how to install SATA patch or ICH7 drivers on Windows 98SE since I have yellow marks with code 10... (it ran fine when I used a IDE disk instead of the SSD) , Realtek 8111B and is there any drivers that I can put to work with P35/P31 Chipset? Also since it's an PCI-E motherboard is there anyway to make a graphics card works correctly with this windows? I heard that with some modified drivers it was possible to make a Nvidia 6000 or 7000 PCI-E series work correctly. Can anyone confirm this? I have a Core 2 Duo E8400 and I'm planning to upgrade the CPU to a Xeon X5460 with the 771 Mod since this machine is tripple booted. Windows 98SE supports intel Xeon correctly even if single core, right? Thank you in advance for your kind attention and help. With the best regards, rfsapiens.
  7. Hello, I solved the issue because I used R. Loew memory patch.But now i have a problem.I've installed more memory into this pc and it now has 3GB of RAM but I can't work anymore with windows 98. It locks in the explorer and tells me that there isn't enough memory to run..... (I used patchmem v 3.2) Note: It runs fine in safe mode but if I put only 2gb into my pc then patchmem will work correctly and so I can use windows 98 fully. What can I do? With the best regards, Rfsapiens.
  8. Hello, Thanks for your reply. I tried the settings you have told and with MaxFileCache at this value Windows 98 returned me a BSOD which I couldn't start the system at all.About of XMSDSK subject, all I can say is that the result of changing RAMDrive to 256MB or 1.6GB is irrelevant since the simptoms are the same with the exception that I can delete VCache and MaxPhysPage settings with a bigger RAMDrive (1.6GB) and with a smaller RAMDrive (256MB) I have to use the settings.What else can I do? With the best regards, Rfsapiens.
  9. Hello, First of all thanks for your reply.I tried adding the umbfill command in my autoexec.bat but it didn't solve the problem.I still cant open DOS windows. With the best regards, Rfsapiens.
  10. Hello, I recently upgraded my system to an AMD64 Atlhon 64 with an ASRock AM2NF3-VSTA (which I inform that works very well in Win98SE- you only have to disable onboard UAA) and 2GB of DDRII Ram.I use this PC with triple boot - Windows XP, 98SE and Vista.Everything was ok until I put all RAM in my PC witch made my PC unbootable in 98SE.I solved this issue by changing MaxFileCache and MaxPhysPage parameters in the system.ini file and also by adding a Virtual Ramdrive of 1.6GB with XMSDSK (the remaining RAM is 400MB).And everything is fine.The system boots in Windows98SE although I have a few bugs just like the audio sometimes doesn't play at all for some instants (I have a SB Live 5.1) and the worst thing is that I can't open any DOS prompt window or app in Windows 98SE because it says: "Out of memory.Close some programs and try again".Since I'm using almost all of my RAM to virtual drive, the remaining ram is less than 512MB but It doesn't go anyway... Limiting the Windows RAM to 512MB in msconfig doesn't work also and messing with the MaxFileCache and MaxPhysPage parameters in the system.ini file doesn't solve this issue neither disabling Virtual Memory.Since my Windows 98SE is in Portuguese, R. Loew patch doesn't work (it says Unknown VMM file) even if I extract the VMM and VCache files from the english version of Win98SE. The actual paramters that I have is: MaxPhysPage=1FFFF MaxFileCache=65535 and limit windows memory to 256MB This made my windows to stop the lock ups but I can't run DOS. I want using DOS in this partition and I cant. What can I do to solve this issue? With the best regards, Rfsapiens. P.S.: Sorry for my bad and confusing english
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