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Everything posted by nartac

  1. I'm new to WPI and man, it's a great program. I toyed around with it for hours and finally I think I got almost everything down. Only thing I can't figure out yet is during autoinstall of my applications, there were instances where before one of the programs finished installing, another one is started and thus caused a stop of the autoinstall and a window popup saying I need to finish installing one first before starting another. Not sure what to post so you can help me out except the config.js. Thank you. pn=1; prog[pn]=['.Net Framework 1.1'] uid[pn]=['DOTNETFW'] desc[pn]=['Installs Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable Package 1.1. <i>Recommended</i>'] ordr[pn]=[1] cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\NetFramework\\dotnetfx\\netfx.msi /qb'] cmd2[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\NetFramework\\netfxsp1.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['System'] pn++ prog[pn]=['.Net user Account Deletion'] uid[pn]=['DELETENETUSERACCOUNT'] deps[pn]=['DOTNETFW'] desc[pn]=['This will delete an account the .net framework creates during install.'] ordr[pn]=[2] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\NetFramework\\deluser.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['System'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Add "Empty Recycle Bin" To Right Click'] uid[pn]=['ADDEMPTYRECYCLEBINTORIGHT'] ordr[pn]=[50] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\emptyrecyclebin.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Add "Open With Notepad" to Right Click'] uid[pn]=['ADDOPENWITHNOTEPAD'] ordr[pn]=[51] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\notepad.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.2'] uid[pn]=['ADOBEACROBATREADERV70'] desc[pn]=['Adobe® Reader® 7.0 — free software that lets you view, print, search, and share Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files more securely using a variety of platforms and devices.'] ordr[pn]=[11] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Adobe_Reader\\acroread702.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Office'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Alcohol v1.9.5.2802'] uid[pn]=['ALCOHOLV1952802'] desc[pn]=['Alcohol brings a new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a doubt a leader in it\'s class, bringing the ability to emulate and record CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program.'] ordr[pn]=[20] cmd1[pn]=['msiexec.exe /passive /norestart /i "%CDROM%\\Applications\\Alcohol\\v1.9.5.2802.msi"'] cmd2[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\Alcohol\\patch.exe" " c:\\program files\\Alcohol Soft\\Alcohol 120\\"'] cmd3[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\Alcohol\\regfile.reg" " c:\\program files\\Alcohol Soft\\Alcohol 120\\"'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Azureus'] uid[pn]=['AZUREUS2304'] desc[pn]=['Bittorent Program'] ordr[pn]=[26] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Azureus\\Azureus_2.3.0.4_Win32.setup.exe /S'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Cancel Windows Tour'] uid[pn]=['CANCELWINDOWSTOUR'] ordr[pn]=[52] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\canceltour.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Cleartype Tuner'] uid[pn]=['CLEARTYPETUNER'] desc[pn]=['This PowerToy lets you use ClearType technology to make it easier to read text on your screen, and installs in the Control Panel for easy access.'] ordr[pn]=[101] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\TweakUI\\cleartype\\setup.exe /s /v/qn'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['PowerToys'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Clipcache'] uid[pn]=['CLIPCACHE'] desc[pn]=['Copy clipboard'] ordr[pn]=[21] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\applications\\packages\\Clipcache\\Clipcache.msi /qb'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Cyberlink PowerDVD 6.0.1417 Patch'] uid[pn]=['CYBERLINKPOWERDVD601417PA'] desc[pn]=['Upgrade PowerDVD to 6.0.1417'] ordr[pn]=[27] cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\Powerdvd6\\PowerDVD6_Patch_1417.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Cyberlink PowerDVD DLX 6.0.1102'] uid[pn]=['CYBERLINKPOWERDVDDLX60110'] desc[pn]=['DVD Playback software'] ordr[pn]=[26] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\PowerDVD6\\PowerDVD6.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Disable "Low Disk Space" Warning'] uid[pn]=['DISABLELOWDISKSPACEWARNIN'] ordr[pn]=[53] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\dislowdisk.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Disable "Shortcut to"'] uid[pn]=['DISABLESHORTCUTTO'] ordr[pn]=[54] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\noshortcut2.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Disable Balloon Tips'] uid[pn]=['DISABLEBALLOONTIPS'] ordr[pn]=[55] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\ballondisable.reg'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Disable Messenger Service "Spammer"'] uid[pn]=['DISABLEMESSENGERSERVICESP'] ordr[pn]=[56] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\messengerservice.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Enable Boot Optimization'] uid[pn]=['ENABLEBOOTOPTIMIZATION'] ordr[pn]=[57] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\bootoptimize.reg'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['FlashFXP 3.2'] uid[pn]=['FLASHFXP32'] desc[pn]=['FTP Program'] ordr[pn]=[28] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\FlashFXP3.2\\FlashFXP_32_Setup.exe /SILENT'] cmd2[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\FlashFXP3.2\\crak\\FlashFXP.exe" " c:\\program files\\FlashFXP\\"'] cmd3[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\FlashFXP3.2\\crak\\libeay32.dll" " c:\\program files\\FlashFXP\\"'] cmd4[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\FlashFXP3.2\\crak\\ssleay32.dll" " c:\\program files\\FlashFXP\\"'] cmd5[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\FlashFXP3.2\\crak\\key.txt" " c:\\program files\\FlashFXP\\"'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Gmail Desktop Notifier'] uid[pn]=['GMAILDESKTOPNOTIFIER'] desc[pn]=['The Gmail Notifier is a downloadable Windows application that alerts you when you have new Gmail messages. It displays an icon in your system tray to let you know if you have unread Gmail messages, and shows you their subjects, senders and snippets, all without your having to open a web browser.'] ordr[pn]=[40] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Gmailnotifier\\GmailInstaller.exe /S'] cat[pn]=['Internet'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Google Toolbar For IE.'] uid[pn]=['GOOGLETOOLBARFORIE'] desc[pn]=['Integrates with the Internet Explorer toolbar. Features include web search, image search, search site, page rank, and page information. Plus a nice autocomplete feature.'] ordr[pn]=[41] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Googlebar\\GoogleToolbarInstaller.exe /s /qn'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Internet'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Hypersnap 5.62.05'] uid[pn]=['HYPERSNAP56205'] desc[pn]=['Screen capture program'] ordr[pn]=[27] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Hypersnap5.62.05\\HS5Setup.exe -s'] cmd2[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\Hypersnap5.62.05\\HprSnap5.hs5lic" " c:\\program files\\HyperSnap-DX 5\\"'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['MS Office Professional 2003 with updates'] uid[pn]=['MSOFFICEPROFESSIONAL2003W'] desc[pn]=['Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 is the most complete personal and business productivity solution that enables people to manage customers and create impressive marketing materials, manage e-mail and share information efficiently and securely, and streamline business processes—all with familiar, integrated and easy to use software. It provides access to a leading community of partners and Office Online for additional solutions, training, and support.'] ordr[pn]=[12] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Office2003\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=%CDROM%\\Applications\\Office11\\unattended.MST /qb-'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Office'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Mailalert 2.57'] uid[pn]=['MAILALERT257'] ordr[pn]=[22] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\mailalert\\setup.exe /s /v/qn'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Misc Reg Tweaks'] uid[pn]=['MISCREGTWEAKS'] ordr[pn]=[58] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\RegTweaks.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Nero Burning ROM'] uid[pn]=['NEROBURNINGROM'] desc[pn]=['Nero burning ROM is the best all-in-one CD-R application on the market. Period. It combines huge amounts of features in a compact and easy to use package. It handles disc duplicating and pre-mastering with ease, supported by a cover designer and even an audio file editor. The excellent GUI desing keeps all the functions handy and guarantees that simple tasks can be done quickly'] ordr[pn]=[23] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\Nero6.6.0.14\\Nero- /SN=1A23-70C1-M090-2901-0548-4300 /WRITE_SN /SILENT /NO_UI /NOREBOOT /NOLICENSE /NOCANCEL'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Office 2003 Frontpage'] uid[pn]=['OFFICE2003FRONTPAGE'] desc[pn]=['Microsoft\'s FrontPage 2003 combines a slick and easy-to-use page designer with tools and wizards for creating, managing and uploading websites. It is part of the Office family and the look and feel will be familiar to those who have worked with Microsoft Word. You can create a website with a blank page, or use pre-designed templates and themes for common page designs or entire websites.'] ordr[pn]=[13] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\FrontPage\\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=%CDROM%\\Applications\\FrontPage\\Unattended.MST /qb-'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Office'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Open .NFO Files With Notepad'] uid[pn]=['OPENNFOFILESWITHNOTEPAD'] ordr[pn]=[59] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %CDROM%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\opennfofileswithnotepad.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Remove Shortcut Arrow'] uid[pn]=['REMOVESHORTCUTARROW'] ordr[pn]=[60] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\removeshortcutarrow.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Registry Tweaks'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition'] uid[pn]=['SYMANTECANTIVIRUSCORPORAT'] desc[pn]=['Antivirus program'] ordr[pn]=[3] cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\SAV\\V10.0.0.359\\sav10.msi /qb RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['System'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Trillian Pro 3.1'] uid[pn]=['TRILLIANPRO31'] desc[pn]=['Trillian is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original network clients, while supporting standard features such as audio chat, file transfers, group chats, chat rooms, buddy icons, multiple simultaneous connections to the same network, server-side contact importing, typing notification, direct connection (AIM), proxy support, encrypted messaging (AIM/ICQ), SMS support, and privacy settings.'] ordr[pn]=[24] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\TrillianPro\\trillian-v3.1.exe /VERYSILENT'] cmd2[pn]=['%windir%\\system32\\xcopy /E /V /Q "%cdrom%\\Applications\\TrillianPro\\Crack.exe" " c:\\program files\\Trillian\\"'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ prog[pn]=['TweakUI'] uid[pn]=['TWEAKUI'] desc[pn]=['Powertoys for Windows XP'] ordr[pn]=[100] cmd1[pn]=['regedit /s %cdrom%\\Applications\\RegTweaks\\Tweakui.reg'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['PowerToys'] pn++ prog[pn]=['Ventrilo'] uid[pn]=['VENTRILO'] desc[pn]=['Communication program'] ordr[pn]=[31] cmd1[pn]=['%CDROM%\\Applications\\ventrilo\\ventrilo.exe /s'] cat[pn]=['Utilities'] pn++ prog[pn]=['WinRAR 3.40'] uid[pn]=['WINRAR'] desc[pn]=['WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, an archiver and archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files. WinRAR\'s main features include strong general and multimedia compression, the ability to process non-RAR archive formats, ZIP compression and decompression, support for long filenames, programmable self-extracting archives (SFX), repair of damaged archives, authenticity verification, embedded file comments, and encryption. Unicode is supported in archive filenames, allowing non-English filenames to be handled painlessly. You can manipulate the parameters of many archives at once and view a volume sequence as a single archive. WinRAR can convert other archive formats to RAR. It supports the Find command, allowing you to search for specified text and files in archives.'] ordr[pn]=[900] cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Applications\\WinRAR\\wrar340.exe'] dflt[pn]=['yes'] cat[pn]=['Programs'] pn++ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of program definitions ... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. do what extrememac said then look in c:\windows\cache\Adobe Reader 6.0.1 folder.
  3. here is mine and it works just fine: REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Sun Java 1.4.2" /f REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\applications\SunJava\j2re-1_4_2_03-windows-i586-p.exe /s /v/qn" /f you also don't have that /f at the end
  4. I'm similar to bonedaddy. Thanx again Aaron
  5. AaronXP, you're a guru of all gurus. Thanks a bunch.
  6. Thank you AaronXP for the prompt reply. Being new to all these commands, can I possibly ask you to give me an example of how to incorporate this cmd.exe /c in my script?
  7. Hello friends, the following is what I got in my runonceex.cmd but keep getting an error relating to COPY command. Any suggestions are appreciated. REG ADD %KEY%\080 /VE /D "Photoshop CS" /f REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\applications\Photoshop8\Setup.exe -s -f1"%systemdrive%\extras\Applications\Photoshop8\setup.iss"" /f REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 2 /D "COPY /Y %CDROM%\Applications\PSCrack\Tw10122.dat \"%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\"" /f REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 3 /D "COPY /Y %CDROM%\Applications\PSCrack\AdobeLM.dll \"%systemdrive%\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\"" /f
  8. Hi guys. I have tried /S /N /LANG=ENG switch but didn't work. Since Vcom products sells Powerdesk, I wrote to them asking about unattended install but received a reply saying it can't be done. I refuse to accept this answer . Any help is appreciated.
  9. I installed 1006 when it came out to my WinXP Pro corp version with legit key. Went smoothly. No problem on installation but haven't seen any improvements that stand out. On other hand, i have never had any prob with XP
  10. Sorry, I just did the update to 1006 SP1 and did not have the same problem as u described. Are u using a legit key? Have you installed any betas prior?
  11. Thanx FthrJACK. This looks like an awesome site. Glad I found it.
  12. Yeah, I just did the update and there is no such message on my desktop. Wonder if you installed a beta prior.
  13. I have a corp version of WinXP with legit key of course. I was able to create winnt.sif file to do unattended install of my computer. Since SP1 build 1006 came out, I was successfully slipstreamed it and made it bootable as the original. Unfortunately, it won't allow me to do unattended install despite I have a legit corp key. Any insite? Thanks BTW, I was able to upgrade to SP1 by running SP1 upgrade to my current WinXP system without any problem.
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